Always disconnected ~ 1-2 minutes after logging on

When I log on for the first time after shutting down/restarting my computer, I get disconnected from OW/Bnet within a minute or two of starting my first match. Not losing all internet, simply my bnet connection and it’s SUPER consistent. Started ~2 updates ago.

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You have described the exact same issue I’ve been having for the last few months. This is on PS4. I Always forget about this and it always fails to connect on my first comp match.
It sucks.

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Hey, Plurball! Sorry for the delay here! Thank you for the details here. It sounds like during start up something within the system network might not be working properly with Overwatch until a few minutes in.

Could you gather a WinMTR test? Run the test to the IP Address/Host Name: until the problem occurs for 5 to 10 minutes. Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:

WinMTR Here

If you have issues pasting here, use Pastebin and post the end of the link. (ie. 123456 for

@HectorCerece, with this being a different platform, the diagnosis may be different. It may be confusing if we try to troubleshoot two different issues on one thread. Could you start a new thread with a looking glass test?