Already Being Flamed For Picking Mercy

Playing Mercy bored me to tears in OW1, so I never played her.

With OW2 I decided ‘What they heck. Lets give her another try to see how it feels’. Some knuckle dragger before the first team fight demanded I swap off Mercy. I told them, ‘No. Go pound sand or leave the match if it bothers you so much.’.

They left. Backfill arrived. We won the match.

Mercy still bores me - just not my cup of tea. But props to people who do play her well.

Play what you want, just play it well and play to win. If somebody does it like it - they can leave. Nobody is forcing them to stay.

Sorry m8, in a 5v5, missing an extra damage dealer for healz that any other healer can provide will always be terrible to have. However, if she is gonna end up being player because flight is fun or the player is a weeaboo, then there is no reason to buff her. She will only be viable again when the battle pass insists she can sell a skin

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Ill just add here that just because she can doesn’t mean she will. Her kunais are extremely hard to hit let alone hit a headshot on a tracer. I would much rather have mercys automatic pistol then kirikos kunai when im dueling a tracer

Its not auto aim like mercy. As the other person said, it has forgiving aim but not to the point that mercy has. You can still miss your ofuda. And why mention the second part ? its literally true for any character that uses a weapon that shoots something. “Stepping into” isn’t exactly a trait worth mentioning or comparing with a character that cant exactly miss.

I know KarQ mentioned alot of stuff and you took everything on the face value but think about it a little.

I’ve had people demand I play Mercy for them… mostly Pharah and Echo players oo. And I don’t even want to play Mercy anymore.

They have not known what to do with mercy since they created her. She is a lost champ. One of the most played, but they really need to put real effort into fixing her or deleting her. They changed her so much now and so many times it’s ridiculous.

Unless you are playing master and above it doesn’t even matter. Have fun, it’s your game. Mercy is a fine support when played well. Her biggest problem is the transition between healing and dps. No other healer has that issue and it’s slow and clunky. If they just ditched the staff and she always had a gun out like the others and could shoot AND heal instantly like anyone else it would be a different story.

not you using an article by Jeff Kaplan from Jul 2020 as a reference

I think it’s broken for me then because I never got launched up randomly using GA lol or I’m just a trash Mercy :joy:

Played mercy exclusively today. Really not seeing an issue and no one has complained. She’s basically the same as she was, but speedier. Haven’t had anyone come close to outhealing me either. That includes moira and kiriko.


Well that hero isnt in ranked and id expect some nerfs coming.

So probably better to use a different example

No reason to pick mercy over anybody else, and its very apparent everyone else knows this, her pickrates are gonna go to 0 just like OWL, ive already seen a significant drop in mercy picks compared to OW1 already.

Its all about E-Rez, the erasing of some superjump techs, and the fact the other supports just more easily fit in to the 5v5 format, shes too outdated, and doesnt bring enough.


Unranked doesn’t change her mechanics or kit. The comparison is still valid. But - to be fair to you I’m okay to wait those two weeks though I expect to be proven right.

And … nerfs coming is the last thing supports need. Kiriko is spearheading what supports can be and I’d prefer her to stay that way. Instead they should update the kit of other supports and give them better utility or mobility options if they expect supports to stop being healbots. But at that point they would probably need to rethink if their division “support / DPS” even makes sense anymore.

Wow, I never get flamed for picking Mercy… but a lot of times after a match I get a lot of sleazy propositions from satisfied DPS

Mercy mostly sucks because you have to weapon swap constantly to do damage or healing.

They need to:

  • Scrap the pea shooter pistol
  • Do away with her amp right click
  • Bake a percentage of it into the left click(like 15-35% of it)
  • Make right click now give her a soft locking moira-like attack that beams out toward the enemy with less leeway, or some other kind of attack.
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She’s not though. Her rez alone makes her not the worse support

I truly do not understand how so many people are experiencing Mercy’s movement as slow. I have been having the exact opposite problem, where I’m careening off in some direction faster than I anticipated and sometimes accidentally losing LoS onto my teammate and getting isolated because of it. I’m making that mistake less often now, but in general, I’ve been finding her flight to be very speedy, and I can cover so much more ground than before. Literally, I can do movements with a single GA that would have taken 2 GAs (with a pause for the cooldown in between) in OW1.

Are you exclusively standing within 5m of whoever you’re trying to fly to or something? The new system does punish positioning close to teammates pretty hard, but that was never a good place for Mercy to be anyway.

who is the worst then? every other support seems stronger

Moira. Terrible damage, no utility in a game entirely reliant on utility supports. Mercy gets insane movement to stay alive with super jump spamming, damage boost and Rez.

ehh for the average player moira is really good and not as bad in high ranks as she was in ow1. rez isn’t particularly good in 5v5 anyway-it’s way harder to pull off

I don’t think this rings true for OW2 or whatever you’d like to call this update.

Mercy is hands down the least valuable Support IMO.

100% of the time when I go Mercy I always outheal the other healer.

I know OW2 isn’t just about healing but the only time people complain about healing is when they are dead, otherwise they dont notice that they are taking massive damage and are getting healed back up.

I do think she deserves some changes, she just doesnt work on OW2