Allow us to know if a profile is private

without having to click on it. I don’t mind private profiles. I am actually in favor of them. But for the love of God please stop wasting my time if I want to check a profile. Let me know if it’s private in advance no matter where I’m at. In game, social screen after game, leader board, seriously just do something with the name so I can visually know that profile is private or not.


Bumping this like a dresser drawer closed with my dumptruck.

Yeah, I know it’s risky piloting a large and sophisticated construction vehicle inside a bedroom, but I like to flex for the silverfish eating my grimoire collection.


Designers, it’s been years. Why is there not a way to tell if someone’s profile is private by hovering over their name?

In general, why haven’t you made the game more navigable? Why can’t I just press 1 button to go to the home menu instead of pressing escape 4x? Why in this new event can’t I see other people’s buffs by just pressing tab? Why was the competitive drive progress only viewable while out of queue? Did you even test these changes?


does it make money?
no? then it won’t ever happen lol.
wdym devs should work on something they can’t sell?

better let them make some recolor skins.

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Make it so someone’s most played heroes show up when you hover over their name,like back in the day. If it doesn’t show up,you know it’s private - easy.


I like this idea. But honestly I’d take anything. Make the name a different font or boldness. Make it a different color. Anything…

But actually I do really like your suggestion. I’m just tired of it actually leaving the screen I’m on only to be met with the profile being private. It’s such a waste of time.

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Blizz has too many recolored skins to do to waste time making their game better! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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-a lock icon aside of the profile pic for private
-a “multiplayer icon” aside too, if the person is in a stack
-the rank, but we can dream


This has always been an issue but since the OW team doesn’t play their own game, they don’t have a way to know.

It is truly a crime they got rid of the check to the top 5 heroes just scrolling across players names. Should’ve kept it but having a locked symbol for private profile.