Allow Doomfist to block projectiles

I’d say it would work well, only if Doomfist was converted to a tank

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Um… so because she’s a support she should have (literally) no way to fight back?

Surely you can see this is a problem…?

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Are u listening to me or not? I didn’t say anything about Ana being a tank or dps. What I’m saying is that this can mess up counterplay/ reduce risk against certain heroes

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The problem is you two are starting to derail the thread.

Come back to us, come back.

Bruh all we did was give our opinions about this idea. How is that derailing this thread?


Don’t worry about it dude, there is no way this will be added.

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So, mccree flash band can’t stop him from punching straigh forward, that makes sombra a even more required counter.
Great job forum, for wanting something that don’t know what they wish for, again.

The Experimental Card needs new experiments. Help me develop the idea to give it a try in experimental.

Hypothetically, if we were the Dev’s, how would we implement Doomfist’s projectile block ability?

I propose this,

Doomfist’s projectile block can be made to be a comital move that allows Doomfist some time to decide weather to strike or retreat.

Like in the video, while he was blocking, he was assessing his options.

…we wouldn’t.

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You mean you wouldn’t, don’t speak for all of us.

I’m not sure there’s that much of a difference; for the most part DF’s viability rests solely on his ability to find scenarios in which there is effectively no counterplay. This is in part due to high opportunity costs because he’s completely useless except during the hard commit, which is really bad design, but that could theoretically be fixed by shifting power away from shield gen into something more useful in the early fight.

I was fully expecting this to be from a 2 post account. You’re better than this, Zman.

As part of a rework that makes him the Tank he always should’ve been? Sure, sounds great.

But as he is in DPS? Hell naw. He’s already got too much going on in his kit and doesn’t need any more sustain on top of everything.

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you want to replace melee with another ability?

Only if other parts of his kit were nerfed or reworked to be healthier for the game

Hmm, I didn’t see his shield generation passive in the video, so should we remove it from game?

Come on, you know cinematic and gameplay are separate.

I saw tracer get her thing ripped off… Genji bent a car… Winston be supposedly beat him… Tracer and Genji both lost to him… :man_shrugging:t2:

If anything this says he should be a tank with some sort of invuln, give him that quake thing which makes the terrain broken and uneven :thinking:



What the f are you talking about.


Everything says he should have been a tank.

From the fact they made him the size of a tank (even bigger than Zarya), to the fact he’s a melee fighter, to even his very blunt and uncompromising personality and cold, calculated philosophy.

Nothing about him suggests “screaming suicide berserker”.

Blizzard failed. Utterly.
They are too ****ing proud AND cowardly to admit it and to fix it.

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