Allow backfill in the new arcade modes

A big reason why the new hero gauntlet and mirrored death match modes are borderline unplayable is because the majority of them end mid match.
Why is that? Because for some reason the game doesn’t allow back fill on them modes, I noticed this when people would constantly leave games and no one would replace them ever.

For this reason all it takes is 2 people to leave over the course of the game and that’s it, game over

The fact of the matter is people leave games, that’s inevitable. Backfill exists so new players can immediately join and games aren’t constantly ending early

Please bring back fill to mirrored death match and hero gauntlet to allow for full games because right now about 70% of the games I play are ending early

You do know a lot of people want back filled removed or being a option you can toggle off. I highly doubt people that back fill into those games and noticed that game is half or three quarters done will stay themselves especially on those modes where it’s an automatic loss for them.

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Well that’s why they seriously need the change game modes then and change how many people are needed for games to end.

Yeah fair enough it’s not fun joining a game that’s half over, but you know what’s less fun? playing 80% of a game, getting some sweet kills, tons of XP and then…’poof’ that’s it the game just ends because of leaves and everything you’ve done meant nothing

That just means they need to design the game mode to not end when people leave. The remaining players should just get a victory. Don’t backfill a bunch of people into a match where they have literally no chance of winning.

Wait, what? This was happening on day one but they rolled out a fix. Trust me I know because I’m absolutely awful with Hero Gauntlet and only managed to “win” when I got into a match where four people left over the first few minutes, meaning it was literally unloseable.

Yeah just awarding the remainders a victory would work too, I also think the punishment for leavers needs to be harsher as well

no one wants to join into that mode

Figured I’d add this here in case anyone missed it:

This has since been implemented, and works as described in my previous reply.