All three primary supports should be viable

and let me guess in all of your omnipotence you witnessed this holy union and everyone got drunk on fire wine and mutton was passed to all? I mean you’re the one acting like you know more than me, I never claimed to have all of the answers little one, I only seek to find true balance.

What part of “following the Support situation for a long, long time” do you not understand? It’s not rocket science to suggest someone who’s been paying attention for longer will see more as a result, is it?

Thank you for the assumption :smiley:

“make her more like torb” should give all da context about wat I’m about when I think about balance.

If Moira is fine, then why do Support pick-rates look like this? Ana is currently picked almost ELEVEN TIMES more than Moira and over FOUR TIMES the amount of Mercy. You combine the other Main Healers pick-rates together and Ana still triples it on her own.

Although this data shows GM pickrates, Ana is still picked incredibly frequently, even in Bronze and Silver, where she SHOULD be shunned due to her skill floor. In Gold, she’s about on par with Moira, and from Platinum onwards, main healers that aren’t Ana practically don’t exist.

Now I don’t expect Mercy to be all that frequently picked. After all, both she and Snipers (her main synergy) were nerfed and we’ve gone back to a meta similar to when Ana was at her peak strength, but come on, Ana is most definitely not fine. The last hero who had anywhere NEAR this level of pick-rate was post-rework Mercy, and that should give you a pretty solid indication of her power right now.

Now I’m all for Ana being viable. A quick glance at my profile will show you that I really don’t shy away from playing her. But we’ve massively overshot that mark, and while it’s nice to have a change from playing Mercy, having any one hero this massively overpowered isn’t good for the game.

Here’s a pretty controversial TLDR:

OP heroes ain’t good for the game even if you like playing them.


you are so smart… So well defined, so colorful. Omnipotence must be nice. I admire you in whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Have a good day and thank you for the pleasant conversation <3

Because, again, Moira is a niche pick.

Okay so pick rates dictate how OP a character is? Alright well if thats the case then rein needs nerfs too right? You are being silly and trying to enable a witch hunt…again, but this time for Ana. She’s fine its just the fact that Blizzard cant seem to balance correctly and so now we are forced to play the ONLY viable main healer who also brings utility.

Reeally? Because I dont see triple tanks being picked very often. Even when there are its GOATS and last I checked Moira and Brig enabled that comp. Not Ana.

Thing is, there’s never going to be even balance between all three. With the way meta works, there’s always going to be a single healer considered the ‘best’ at any given time, regardless of skill or healing output or utility.

Ana, at the moment, is the most versatile of the three, but for some comps, Mercy or Moira is far preferable. This might not be the case in a month. Who knows, if Hero 29 is a speedy, strong tank, dive might come back or GOATS and Mercy or Moira will suddenly become the “best” healer.

In my opinion, no support is above the other supports, at least not at the current time. They all have a purpose, it’s just that comps that Ana works best with are coming up more frequently right now.

You are wrong. Her aim is not like Sym’s was, or like Winston. Her aim is a soft lock. But it also don’t track. If the target moves you have to move the cursor with them. You have to have some aim with Moira, and her balls, yea you can just toss them wherever, if you want. But to be effective with her, you have to aim those balls.

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When you run right at her, and then try to jump over her, its gonna feel a soft like. She might have had a ball floating around that you didn’t see.

you can’t reasonably expect a character like moira to ever be as viable as the rest when her design makes her useless in 80% of situations
her kit is geared towards a certain style of play and she’d likely need tweaks to her gameplay to make her better universally without being broken in her niche (which she’s not even the best healer for anymore)


This. I have not seen a single Ana main saying Mercy should be kept nerfed and how Ana should be only viable support.
What op is doing is one reason the forums are as toxic as they are. Judging a whole group of people by one rotten apple, and that way making the whole group look bad. :expressionless:


Nah, she’s just bad. Brig or Sombra are far better examples of niche picks, because they actually have a niche where they work.

Moira does two things. Punish isolated squishies and heal tanks. When there’s no isolated squishies in Deathball, and Ana prevents her from healing Tanks, she’s essentially useless.

They’re a pretty good indication of a heroes power, yeah. But even then if we look at win-rate, despite being by far the most picked Healer in every rank above Gold, which should push her win-rate down by virtue of mirror matches, Ana has a pretty high win-rate even in lower ranks and in higher ranks, again, despite being picked more than 3x them, still has a comparable win-rate to both Zen and Brig.

As for Reinhardt, he’s in a unique scenario where no-one provides what he does, AND the core game is balanced around it. You could argue that Orisa herself is too weak, but Reinhardt will always be picked when the meta isn’t Dive by virtue of being the only anchor tank that can move his shield.

Like you so helpfully pointed out, Moira and Ana share a pretty similar niche in that they’re both healers who specialize in healing Tanks and Deathball, only that Ana is massively stronger than Moira.

You cut out the first 2 words of this sentence and it’s absolutely correct. Power is always relative. Soldier is arguably almost as strong as he was during Season 3, but DPS have been power crept so much that he’s considered garbage.

If Moira is fine then Ana is massively overpowered and therefore not fine. If Ana is fine, then Moira is massively underpowered and therefore not fine.

I mean literally the only difference between Triple/Quad Tank and GOATS is that you swap your 4th tank/solo DPS for Brigitte. They’re both work the exact same, they just have different names and balance changes over the seasons have dictated a few hero swaps, like Roadhog being dropped and DPS like Widowmaker and Doomfist replacing Soldier.

Moira was originally used in GOATS, but the comp existed long before Ana was overbuffed. Now that Ana is as OP as she is, why on earth would you ever use Moira over her?

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Did mercy even get butchered at all? 12 small nerfs isn’t butchering, it’s tweaking with a skalpel.

Roadhog got butchered.


B-but… they are… it’s just that one in particular isn’t the most viable

Mercy is viable. She just isn’t always the best now.


That’s in your head. Stop ingesting too much salt. It’s bad for your health.

Mercy has been OP for a long time and in many seasons was a must pick. She wasn’t nerfed to make Ana viable, she was nerfed because she was pushing ALL the supports out of the game.

except each main healer has a specific toolkit that excels in specific comps. Mercy too has a new nitch. She excels with long range characters where she can support her entire team with her mobility. something other hero’s don’t do well due to range restriction or LOS

I think you misunderstand. Ana’s toolkit Requires skill to be viable. No one is saying Ana is skilled therefore she should be better then Mercy and Moira. Mercy should not be “fits all comps” like she was before.

That has little to do with the rest of the meta. His entire design is very low heals, low damage, High mobility. They need to up his damage potential so he can actually make use of his mobility as buffing his AoE healing would have much harsher repercusions.

Still see a lot of “I don’t like this char” salt in your post. You could have easily addressed the weaknesses you see in the other heros rather then trying to single out a balanced one simply because you can’t play against her well.


Like it or not… Ana rightfully should be the best support, but I do think that the other healers should be buffed. Games like this that try to make things friendly for beginners, but still try to be competitive should have someone like Ana at the top tier of play for support, but that doesn’t mean the other healers shouldn’t be viable. Mercy should essentially be dominating from bronze to maybe low gold. Then Moira should be best from low gold to mid plat maybe. Then Ana should be dominating from there on out. I understand people want Mercy to be on par with Ana, but it’s a delicate balance since she really shouldn’t be doing as much as Ana at higher levels of play and simply just increasing her healing to 60hp/s would put her back to a top pick.

Technically its called torture. They propped her up and then slowly stripped her away piece by piece.

Roadhog got straight up murdered, while Mercy was tortured. Theres a difference :wink:


I love mercy and hate her current state but this thread went about it the wrong way. Don’t attack other supports just because we want mercy back.- a support main

Highest skill character should be equally the same than a low skill character

Damage control.