All three primary supports should be viable

Another person who thinks she has lock on. It’s getting sad at this point


nerfed doesnt equal butchered by a long shot dude that a overreaction and a half and honestly stop think that “just because a few toxic people say it it means it’s true” I’m mean really I think everybody here wants a balanced game

what you mean back in like season 1 when we could pick two lucios and in season 2 where him zen and mercy were the ONLY HEALERS.


Lol I never said she did? Anyway, She doesn’t. But they gave her abnormally large hitboxes making it extremely easy to track enemy with 90% accuracy and with minimal effort.

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People have tested it, it’s no bigger then a half charged Zarya

Oh, no dude I agree with you. I think its stupid to butcher Mercy just so everyone else can be on equal ground.


What is this notion that I am getting my assertion from ‘toxic people’ if someone is glad Ana is better than everyone else, or glad Mercy is bad they are not toxic. Okay? i am not calling out anyone toxic, that word is so overused now it’s begun to lose it meaning.

Nerfed and reworked consistently over a short period of time is not a butchering? To have a character go from the top to being pulled around every which way is not a butchering? Would you like to attend a slaughter house with me sometime?

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Source? According to BTC a 0 charge Zarya’s hitbox is 1/3 of Moira’s

I also really doubt that. A full charge Zarya is still a lot harder to perfectly track with than a moira


yeah but not bloody 12 times

The “Top” meaning what exactly cause before the rework mercy wasn’t good like at all until ana got nerf and OH guess what happened then and being pulled around wtf does that even mean

I have seen maybe… 5 posts directly from Ana mains who think their character is better than Mercy, and are glad that she is trash. I’ve seen a few more where they say that they’re happy to be able to play their main again, even if it’s at Mercy’s expense. I’ve seen yet a few others where they just talk about how nice it is to not be required to switch to Mercy.
So, out of the hundreds, no. Thousands of posts I’ve read, only a small portion of them are based on how incredible Ana is, and how she’s much better than Mercy. To which, people are entitled to their opinions.

And you even said it yourself: no one knows how many there are. So why are you acting like there are thousands upon thousands of that type of person out there?
Most of the Ana main’s I’ve seen just want everyone to be equal too. Not have any healer be better than any other.

I don’t have rose colored glasses, my friend. I have my shades, like everyone else.
I just tend to put my faith in people. Maybe I’m a fool for it. Maybe I’m not. Either way, I don’t care. I’m going back to the lore section.


Here’s the thing. Mercy mains didn’t want to have mercy be op. They didn’t want Ana to be bad. Before the rework mercy was actually really bad power wise. You would never catch a mercy main saying to Ana mains “serve your time”. Instead, mercy mains complained about the rework and agreed Ana should be changed.

But when the tables are turned, it seems the Ana mains flip the mercy mains the middle finger and leave



That will never be possible in Pro play. Only a smale difference will make one healer better then the others.
Or The meta favours a main healer more … all three will never be viable at the same time.

Dont blame the players if the devs were the ones who screwed it up the first place.


Ana isn’t even the best choice at most ranks, it’s just that people have the inability to think for themselves and do whatever they think they need to according to the “meta”.

At low diamond and below you can easily rank up by playing Moira correctly and winning against teams who have Ana and no Moira.

Ana is fantastic at higher ranks where people have the mechanical ability and game sense to get the most out of her. At lower ranks she’s actually not very good (regardless of how good the Ana in question is), because her team mates do not know how to peel, or position well, or focus fire on anti-healed targets, or not wake sleeping Genjis.

Mercy, however, is utter trash now. They overnerfed her healing. There is no point in taking someone who basically does nothing except heal, if her healing isn’t enough to keep someone alive.


Mercy should be viable, but Ana should be the go to healer at higher levels while Mercy should also be usable, but not the best healer.

Mercy should be better in certain scenarios, but Ana should be overall better is what I’m saying.


When Mercy was at her ‘best’ I’m sure you can admit she was at the top of the supports. Also, are you really telling me Mercy wasn’t all that good until Ana got nerfed? Really now? Do you think I maybe mean post Ana nerf? Do you think that might just back up everything I’m saying? That one character getting nerfed SHOULDN’T boost another to the top? DID YOU JUST SUPPORT MY ARGUMENT?!

It’s not a soft lock-on paper, but it sure feels like it regardless in-game. I had a Moira kill me when I was jumping over her head while her crosshair was nowhere near my character model.

Higher levels of play should not matter in terms of a character’s usefulness. No character should be ‘overall better’ when their class is already so weak. In this game no matter the level every character in a class like support should be viable to players so they don’t have to see one being dominant while two others are left in the mud.

If we start playing off of, ‘o this character should excel in maters’ then we’re doing nothing but generating more elitist egos and attitudes of those who think just because they play X character they should be to par with X rank.

To balance is not to have anyone be over another.


Heard it all before. Sadly, that wasn’t the case all the time. My point is, people expect Mercy to be ‘viable again’ instantly, when they don’t realise Ana had to wait for so long before getting a decent buff.


Honey, I main sym, I understand the Ana struggle, hell we have it worse

But again, when mercy was bad and turned good leaving Ana in the dust, no one said Ana had to serve her time

Ana mains like I make mercy mains pay for something they didn’t want or have any part in, where as you would never catch a mercy main saying Ana should have to wait her turn

It’s just telling


I did see people saying exactly that, though. Not in the time of Mercy meta, but after the 60 damage nerf lots of people were saying they didn’t care if it sank her because of how good she was during S2/3.

On the other side, there exist spiteful people, many who play Mercy and want Ana to be nerfed now because Mercy isn’t in the best place and if she can’t be good nobody can.