All the moira changes are a MASSIVE nerf

I know it just opened. I know I haven’t tried it but just reading. I will go over why I think this.

Biotic Grasp:
You now need to aim a lot more, so inconsistent self heal AND damage. With no extra reward for aiming is a net nerf. Though one that would be fine with compensation

It has the same speed as a Symmetra Orb, on a 10 second cooldown. It must be a direct hit and does 120 damage to a target. So less than Symmetra’s orb on a 10 second cooldown for exactly the same work. Oh and it’s not even burst. It’s 60dps for 2 seconds.

This is stupid. It requires more skill but at least let the orb do burst or something given it’s long cooldown. Remember the healing orb remains unchanged AND way more reliable. It was already the better option in 8/10 scenarios and now the damage orb is more unreliable for what seems like way less reward.

No longer cleanses or escapes ult.
1 sec of damage immunity is nothing. Who cares? The timing would be SO DIFFICULT to pull off, she must fade INTO danger for it AND it got the cooldown nerfed.

This just reduces her survivability even further.
She got the orb speed which made healing orb less consistent.
The biotic grasp change (of the ExC) lowers her self heal
The fade change (of the ExC) ups the cooldown
She’s basically a free meal.

P.S The reaper change is stupid. I get you want consistency but neither of them should be treated like that

P.S.S She would basically be unable to counter dive with this. So without Brig or Moira as reliable anti dive options what even is the point.

Biotic grasp. Less reliable healing recharge too = less reliable healing.
Which is further detriment to her ult charge between the rest of the nerfs.

Edit 2:
At least sym orbs can DMG barriers. Also from playing the orbs very frequently bounced once but then had some weird trajectory causing them to bounce slightly down and disappear. This wasn’t a problem but now it is because it can only bounce once


Comparing her to symmetra is asinine, one is a support and one is a dps.

The fade change is a gigantic buff, and it’s not going to affect your survivability if you actually have good positioning.


What heroes’ ability should be a worse option than another heroes secondary fire when they do the same job.

Moira orb for dmg is for dmg
sym orb for dmg is for dmg
Should a 10 second ability here do significantly less? Not EVEN THE SAME. it’s the same effort required yet moira has to not choose healing orb and then get less value than a symmetra orb on top of this.


I haven’t played it yet, but my understanding is that the orb changes are specifically for the damage orb (at least, that’s how it was last time), and I’m assuming they also kept the extra 1-second self invulnerability on Fade.

If those assumptions are accurate, it’s almost certainly a buff for mid/high level play. Her skill floor might be a little higher, but the extra invulnerability compensates to an extent as well.

Is a shady way of dodging the fact it’s a direct nerf to her survivability.


Even with the 1 second invulnerability. You could shave 1 second off the cooldown and it’s still longer. On top of the nerfs to her dueling and survivability that are already in motion. This could just make her worse.

1 second timed damage save on some allies is useless if you have to use your escape to go save them anyway.


Um anyways


The cooldown ticks down while she’s invulnerable, and she’s able to act freely during that time. Even without the phasing effect on allies, the Fade change is better than just a pure +125% duration buff (which would be pretty huge in itself), and it’s only getting an extra 1-second downtime in tradeoff.

Everything else that’s changed in her experimental kit is definitely a bit harder to use, and I expect the damage orb to be mildly weaker overall (albeit with significantly higher potential), which is probably necessary to limit the risk of her destroying lower ranks with the Fade buff.

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the orb that can do anything from 120 nerf to 720 big buff and of course the orb will do a different amount

But no, this is a good step in the right direction, albeit the orb being that broken.

Im tired of seeing skilless moiras. This will show who is a good moira vs who is a great moira

Symmetra started as support and Moira is the “i want to be dps” support.


Damn, talk about a trash experimental. “Yes, we are going to make this a skill shot that does less damage, remove your ability to get away from particularly devastating ults, and reduce your damage and self heal. You will gain zero compensation buffs, not even improved ult charge.”

Like the hell is this crap? Go home blizzard, you’re drunk. A 60DPS skill shot that hits one person, on a significant cool down isn’t even going to be used. It’s going to be ignored.

It can’t even go through shields. What’s the point of it? Using it in any scenario would actively damage your team since you’d be giving up your heal orb, which is already more viable to save you at that point than any damage you’d get out of the damage orb.

Total dumpstering experimental. Leave the poor girl alone, she isn’t the best healer, she isn’t even the second best healer.


They’re trying to mask it with “it’s more fun to play” and “it’s more impactful”… it’s the opposite of any of those, because you’re going to now have very little impact when you are attacked and are going to die much more easily, so no fun there either.
Straight up nerfs that don’t make any sense.


Don’t worry you still have Roadhog.

Ignoring the fact that the Orb could potentially do WAY more damage now, if you can stick it in a group (the thing is basically a DOT Pulse Bomb, in a way), my big question is the interaction between Genji’s dash and the Orb.

When Genji blades, can I turn to look directly at him, and then stick the Orb to him as he dashes to/thru me? Sure, I’m still dead either way, unless Fade is up. But talk about a fun way to completely screw the Weeb-borg. Here, have my death curse you annoying basement dwelling troll!

His point is actually valid. It’s like a weaker Sym orb on cooldown. I already didn’t use dmg orb that much to begin with. Playing with these changes just made me want to use it less. I landed most orbs that I threw out and it didn’t seem to do much. I couldn’t tell if the fade was doing anything for my team because they were all spread out. The nerf on her grasp though is great. They should keep the grasp nerf and get rid of the rest of these changes.

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I’d agree, but breaking on any barrier is going to make it worthless won’t it?

pharah kind of has s76’s helix rocket on her primary fire lol
but that doesn’t really mean much if you look at the whole picture, completely different heroes that cannot be compared

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The shield break and one bounce bs ruin what could of been a decent change to the orb

Hence the potentially. In practice, could easily by a different matter altogether. I suspect for most situations it’s a pretty hard nerf, especially when nothing forces the enemy to group up tightly. Unlike Pulse Bomb, Moira doesn’t get instant squishy killing power from it, which makes it more likely players will just drift apart and mostly negate it.

Actually, the BIG nerf that’s not even a part of the patch-notes for experimental, is that her orb now gets blocked by barriers. As in gets 100% stopped and doesn’t even deal any damage.

Experimental Moira is countered by barriers to a degree that NO OTHER HERO has to deal with.

There’s no way these changes go through. Experimental moira is trash.