I would use owl tokens on a bastion all stars skin, but I’d never buy the tokens with cash.
Or maybe if I could trade in my Tracer skin…it’s cute but it encourages your opponents to shoot you in the head.
I would use owl tokens on a bastion all stars skin, but I’d never buy the tokens with cash.
Or maybe if I could trade in my Tracer skin…it’s cute but it encourages your opponents to shoot you in the head.
Will old ones return?
It is not anticipated that they will.
Are they only being revealed tomorrow or released to be purchasable as well?
No one gonna mentioned how those are all tank players they showed it off to?
I know Sinaatraa is a DPS player too but in GOATs and beyond he became a staple Zarya player
I’m excited for the D.va and Rein or Winston skin
I believe only revealed. Expect the skins to be made available in an upcoming patch sometime in the next one to two weeks.
You think any limited skin is anticipated to come back
I’m positive its gonna be Winston/dva
Think about it
Year 1: Tracer/Genji
Year 2: Lucio/Mercy
It’s clear they’re referencing dive comp. But again it could be a coincidence
But Winston already has the London spitfire legendary skin
I think it could be but I also could see Rein instead of Winston purely based on popularity to make more $$$
But yeah it’s def D.va for the girl and either Winston or Rein for the boy
So far there has been very little indication any limited-time skin of any promotion ever returns. Not only OWL Legendary skins but also BlizzCon, mini-Event, cross-game promotion and charity skins.
In the game client hero gallery, any skin marked with the Legacy collection filter is not expected to return.
Well Super liked it so you know there’s a Rein skin.
I used to remember when there was like 3 limited skins in 2017 now there’s like 200
Not 200, more like 2 dozen.
Hey, don´t take my little last hope away, please. I play just since christmass and I am sad every time I see all my favourite heroes with skins, I never had chance to get.
Or 900 IQ…
Oh my… That’s some 4D chess thinking.
wish it would come back it looks so good
If it is a Rein skin they got all my money.
Wish I hadn’t spent all my tokens the week before they announced all star skins was a thing and there wasn’t enough time to build up tokens