All Null Sector units that we know of in OW2

There are diffrent types of NS bots which are the following:

1-Nullifier: The regular standard NS bots.

2-Orbiters: Flying bots with laser beams or something.

3-Skirmishers: Flying bots with like Junkrat’s attack.

4-Obliterator: This guy deals a loooot of damage dude watch out for him

5-Behemoth: one shots Reinhardt and has a powerful earth shatter like ability that wrecks everyone.

6-There are other units that were not shown in the Rio mission but were shown in this picture:

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7-There is like a dog null sector on the bottom right.

8-There are also the Detonators that explode and deal a lot of damage we already had them in the Uprising mission.

9-Slicers which go for payloads/objectives which we also saw in the Uprising mission.

-There are 4 other new units that we don’ know of yet:

1-There is that guy flying above the Detonator.

2-There is a brown robot in front of the obliterator which i am guessing that’s the guy with the shield.

3-There is like this Fat robot in front of the Behemoth wielding some sort of stick i don’t know what he does.

4-And lastly there is that robot with like the giant red claw or something next to the Behemoth.

-Null Sector seem like a challenge in OW2 i am so excited bro!

-They haven’t showed us Talon yet but i bet they are just as cool as Null Sector, if not cooler.

-I wanted to make this thread because well no one was talking about Null Sector dude like come on guys! they are so so cool!

We definitely had our whole party simultaneously insta-killed by that slam at BlizzCon. The damage seemed slightly excessive compared to everything else in the mission, but we quickly learned our lesson for the retry.

The dog bots (“Slicers”) are all over the Uprising mission. They have little short range lasers, like a miniature Symmetra that can’t charge up.


That one is not the last one.
You forgot the one flying above Modern Detonator at top-right.
It looks like evil Zenyatta thing.
Add it to your list.

I did say that one too.

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Hard to read your text wall. Maybe use points and numbers, please?

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No dude. i am talking about that doggy next to the slicers look close

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Yep. There are 2 slicers next to the dog thing.

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I see. I feel like there might have been a few of those on the ship in Rio, but I don’t remember seeing them attack anything if there were.

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Once again, please, make your list more clear.
I will make another list of other enemy.
Good night.

Will do

Ehhh there aren’t that many Talon enemies shown yet they only showed the Heavy, Troopers and Sniper

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I don’t care. To be updated will be as my other list of countries in Overwatch universe.

I modified my post.


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Now it’s better.

Now I think the dog thing is Null Sector version of Assassin from Talon as just like:
Nullifier = Trooper
Eradicator = Enforcer
Evil Zenyatta = Sniper
Behemoth = Heavy Assault