There are diffrent types of NS bots which are the following:
1-Nullifier: The regular standard NS bots.
2-Orbiters: Flying bots with laser beams or something.
3-Skirmishers: Flying bots with like Junkrat’s attack.
4-Obliterator: This guy deals a loooot of damage dude watch out for him
5-Behemoth: one shots Reinhardt and has a powerful earth shatter like ability that wrecks everyone.
6-There are other units that were not shown in the Rio mission but were shown in this picture:
-ht tps://
7-There is like a dog null sector on the bottom right.
8-There are also the Detonators that explode and deal a lot of damage we already had them in the Uprising mission.
9-Slicers which go for payloads/objectives which we also saw in the Uprising mission.
-There are 4 other new units that we don’ know of yet:
1-There is that guy flying above the Detonator.
2-There is a brown robot in front of the obliterator which i am guessing that’s the guy with the shield.
3-There is like this Fat robot in front of the Behemoth wielding some sort of stick i don’t know what he does.
4-And lastly there is that robot with like the giant red claw or something next to the Behemoth.
-Null Sector seem like a challenge in OW2 i am so excited bro!
-They haven’t showed us Talon yet but i bet they are just as cool as Null Sector, if not cooler.
-I wanted to make this thread because well no one was talking about Null Sector dude like come on guys! they are so so cool!