All new record this week -- 735 straight stomps in arcade

if we gain by severance
we gain most of all
annihilate your kindness
twisting those involved

scenes of revolution
scenes of your destruction
we are desolation
we are isolation

feel it coming again
feel don’t care at all
feel it coming again


It’s sad that these threads exist to begin with

It’s even more sad that people comment on them and continue giving them reason to exist

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Funny thing is that he doesnt count wins if there is a “smurf” on his team yet he asks for carries by disguising it as “you cant win playing with me, its impossible”

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post flagged with in 3 hours my sir you are a master at baiting responses from people

And by smurfs he means anyone that plays better than him despite him being self-described as the worst player on Earth. Which would automatically make every player in the game a smurf. Because they’d all be better than him.

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It’s extremely unlikely. I had a friend to once tried to throw down to the lowest SR he could in bronze. He said at some point it was actually difficult to lose. He would intentionally throw matches, and said that even AFKing in spawn for the entire match was not enough to secure a loss. He had to start intentionally feeding and doing things to actively disrupt his team to even start ranking down further.

It would be extraordinarily difficult to get a lifetime win rate under 1% if you tried.

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You are wrong. Trying my hardest to win every game, I can drop 1000 SR in a few hours. If someone wants to sponsor an account for me to show you, I’ll be happy to stream the whole thing.

Would you still copy/paste (something like) “We will never win this game!” in teamchat at the start of the match and rep. solo run straight into the enemy? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like I said, I will try my best. Just because my best is worse than your worst doesn’t mean I’m not trying my best.

I was only responding to the person who said it’s impossible to derank after some point. I spent my first three years <500SR and I’m sure I could drop there again if I simply keep playing when I lose.

The only reaons I don’t drop more these days is because I stop playing when losing. If I don’t stop, the losses will continue forever and I’ll drop as far as possible. In fact, I’d wager any amount to anyone that I can hit ZERO SR within a month.

When I was <500SR before, the system never made it any easier to win a game. It was the same Gods vs. Crap that my games currently are.

Stop trolling please

Which means you do, in fact, win games.

I confess. It’s not you. You’re not unlooky.

I have an army of thousands of ultra advanced machine learning robots playing the arcade, to keep you and only you from getting your lootboxes.

I will not elaborate further and am not taking questions.


does that include the leaving? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean Me, I will admit I leave MORE unranked matches than I play this day in age. There is a significant issue with Match maker and an EVEN bigger issue with player behavior. I dont know what it is with players this day in age. But there is one thing I play a video game with and that is: This mindset.


No, really. IT IS.

I cant tell you how many matches have been made so caustically unbareble. That had this game had been this way at Launch or the first 2 years. I would have never even CONSIDERED buying this game, AT ALL.

Blizzard has really dropped the ball on this one!

Whom in their right state of mind would build such a match maker?!

  • Smurff accounts being the key focus around balance.
  • Pitting Solo Qs against premade teams.
  • BS match balance where all it does is build steam roll matches.

This folks, is the same why I disbanded by WoW guild years ago and finally turned OFF the money faucet to paying a monthly Sub Fee to WoW. PVP battlegrounds was RANCID back then, and it seams as though history repeats itself yet again.

Don’t get me wrong. The artists at this company are some of the BEST in the world. But this backhaul engine group, whomever they are. Whatever they are. Please for the sake of the rest of the people that put time and effort into this company.

GET YOUR act Together.

You are DESTROYING this game company.

Ok why are you throwing your games?

I hope this is a joke.

Okay so you suck butt at overwatch


theyre lying and trolling


ethernet i’m sorry that other people do not believe you that you are a victim of the matchmaker

i for one do believe you and support you


It is mathematically impossible to lose that many games in a row


OP confirmed throwing.

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