All Lucio mains legendary emote is 5 bucks

go get it my guess is its a bug but i hope its not



Constant use of voice lines can distract others.
Unlockable voice lines muted for 6 seconds.

Seriously though, considering Blizzard, this is as rare as a 1000-year-flood.

so insanely rare?

Millions of millions won’t have lived to see this even. We are the golden generation.

I mean, that’s the price it was originally sold for.
(I remember when $5 was considered ludicrous. like there were so many boards saying that it was stupid to sell something for $5, and nobody would buy it.)

Just bought it with Overwatch coins I’ve been saving up.

It is not appearing on my emote list, nor can I equip it.

Better refund me if this was a mistake.

i was able to equip it

no it was like 15 bucks if i remember right

apparently its was 30 bucks

It disappeared on my list as soon as I bought it.

Huh, I could have sworn it was like $5. Weird.

okay i found a screen shot it was 200 coins bearing it was 11 but you got it originally with a 30 dollar event

seems to work for me try restarting you game

Restarting worked. Got it equipped now.

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Thank you… 500 coins, which I had


no problem i have wanted this for a long time and i think all lucio mains should have it to its a fire emote


Good shout, I didn’t have this emote. Now I do. :smiley:


I’m glad to see this out again. I got it right away back then just from watching OWL. Good times.

you cant even buy it without the stupid bundle

The reddit link had a comment from the OP said how to do it. Hero gallery then set the category to OWL

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I already have it, but it’s such a good emote I want to bump your thread just so others might find it. It’s a joy to start a dance party in the spawn room with this.


now i have it i dont play lucio very often as im trash as support and im trying to learn juno but ive been wanting that emote for ages

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Best one ever