All I think brig needs is

Her inspire radius to be 14m(or on par with lucio)

Just under lucios.

This makes her a proper brawl healer.
Doesn’t allow her aoe heals to reach beyond lucios.
Doesn’t steal lucios spot in dive comps.

She shouldn’t be able to peel for her ana and in doing so is also healing across the map :wink:

As far as the 200 hp change, that would be where I’d go next if she needed it

But the 21 hps should come at the price of having to proc it.

If you want consistency with aoe heals pick lucio.
If you want more then you need to land skill shots or brawl.

This is just my opinion as I’m sure you have yours.

I’m not saying she doesn’t still need to be pulled back but this experimental has me worried

give me at least 1 reason to pick her with exp nerfs :clown_face: :see_no_evil:

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they just need to bring brig 1.0 back with like 400 hp shield and 50 armor 1 charge pack and old inspire but they are just too dumb to do that

She was way too hard to kill in 1.0.

Something would need to be changed there

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You Lucio also took her spot in Brawl But let’s pretend that didn’t happen

well great now she does 0 healing and 0 tanking which also means less dmg in some situations

edit: also with healing nerfs her ult charges longer which means less armor :heart:

Yeah you are talking about experimental where my suggestion doesn’t want anything but her range changed

So I’m unsure why you’re addressing me like I’m advocating for the experimental

Brig Has to hit To get Inspire and Niw has a shorter radius and You want her healing nerfed while Making Her Pealing Worst Honest Question Do You main Lucio

I don’t want her healing nerfed what are you talking about

I said all she needs is her range on inspire tones back that’s it

Like read the post

Less Range Less Healing

Think About Like This Brig has To Proc Inspire So It Should Do More Healing so the area of affect Should Varor Brig Because Inspire Up Time is usually around 30% and this makes her the only support exclusively To Brawk and Yes I still do agree she needs nerfs

no no sorry- im only saying they cant balance a single hero when there are many good ways to do that. adjusted brig 1.0 and even your idea is better lol

I know how brig works, I play her more than any other healer actually.
I don’t want her nerfed but if she does need it I think reducing the range on inspire would be the least damaging thing to do to her kit compared to what they want to do on experimental

Why not 12 meters?

Or better yet why not make her Healing a Pulse based thing? Like an instant aoe?

Experimental is hopefully one of those nerf everything and see what it feels like

no, they just need to change repair pack

she has a lot of stuff going for her, but all makes sense because its mostly close range

they gave her a super reliable long range healing tool that ruined what she was suposed to be

Hello This Is Jeff Kaplan From the Overwatch Team Um Brig Now has a 100 hp shield with the removal of shield bash. Her Inspire now heal 10hps and Whipshot is removed haha Brig Mains Lucio is better in every way

Post edited I misinterpreted

No It isnt I just always make fun of Jeff Kaplan I’ll delete it if you want me too

Nono don’t allow me to edit my post to reflect this response