All Healthbars Disappear on Control

I don’t know if it’s related, but I only began having this issue after I switched to the Steam install on its release.

On control maps, healthbars will disappear once the round switches to a new map. It only appears when a health affect is added to a player - so nade, suzu, immortality, etc. is the only time I’m able to see healthbars. This is excessively frustrating on support, as the only solution I’ve found so far is to switch heroes. If I begin the game as Ana, for example, and go to the next round, all healthbars over heroes in the game are just gone. To fix, I can switch to Kiriko and it’ll be completely fine - I could even switch back to Ana and the bug wouldn’t reappear. I usually don’t realize they’re gone until halfway through the first fight, so I have to either switch heroes and reset my ultimate charge or soft-throw the fight/round by playing at such a big disadvantage.

This has only ever happened to me on Control, not in other gamemodes that utilize that round switching (like Competitive). It happens on both the second AND third round of control. I haven’t seen anyone else talk about this, so it might just be a me thing?? But I verified my steam files and it found nothing wrong with them. I may just reinstall, as annoying that may be.

Thanks besties :slight_smile:

I am STILL having this issue. looks like its been going on for a while. is anyone having this issue too?? I play competitive and it is REDICULOUS that this issue is still ongoing. Can anyone tell me what I can do to negate this???