All games are the same against doom

Enemy play doom, he never die, can’t do anything as tank to stop him, their dps kill me and my team, repeat. How in hell I deal against that stupid broken hero?

I don’t know whereabout you fall in terms of rank or whatever, but against the common or garden QP Doom I feel like there’s three broad strategies as tank:

  1. Go Zarya, stuff Doom’s attempts to get a pick by bubbling the target.
  2. Go a tank with CC and stuff Doom’s attempt to get value out of block.
  3. Say “beggar this for a game of soldiers”, turn into a giant robot, and race Doom to see whose team gets torn apart first.

I don’t go with number two very often nowadays, but I’ve had some success with one and three.


Ha, funny. Usually, either the Doom is a super mega pro that destroys you alone by themselves in a second, or a Doom that dies without doing nothing.

And most of the time, its the second case.

Hog, Orisa, Mauga kind of.

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Oh. So that’s why I don’t see any Dooms in season eleven. Who wants to risk facing that.

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I don’t play rankeds.

Okay, cool, then my post holds.

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Hog just bring ana on the table so can’t be played as she completely deny him, Orisa maybe, but usual my supp go zen lucio so can’t stay alive, and he just ignore me to melt the rest of the team, mauga no as he just use the block

I used to not shoot doom at all if he was doing his arm block thing, but I’m slowly learning it’s sort of like breaking a Zarya bubble… if his health is low enough while he’s blocking, you just burn through that last little bit and kill him.

Otherwise, yeah, it really does feel like he never dies.

Then play Doom and be better than their Doom.

If the rest of your team don’t give a fig and do whatever they feel like regardless of anything going on around them then yes, you’re up the creek. That’s not an issue with Doom. That’s an issue with red team working to deal with you while your team doesn’t work to deal with them. In the final analysis, the better team is supposed to win.


nah tried him few hours not my char.

so I’m always with the wrong ones, got it.

So yeah, if you can’t play Orisa, Mauga, Hog or Doom himself against a really good Doom, he will never die and you “can’t do anything as tank to stop him”, their dps kill you and your team, “repeat”.

It is what it is.

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Just played a game as Doom against a very well coordinated Hog/Sombra/Ana stack.

I’m in pain right now. Do as you please with this information.


ye, tried to peel as Orisa, but ofc can’t protect everyone

QP quality is so bad at the moment that I’ve resorted to playing Comp when I can. Some days I’d play a batch of games and not a single one felt fairly matched. It sucks but I don’t have anything else to offer except sympathy. Sorry.

Nw is fine, sadly I tried comps, but you know, smurfs…

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Doom does feel insufferable without running any of his counters. Tbh this isnt exclusive to Doom in the tank role, imo. Just more egregious with him.

Every role has at least two counters for him tho. When he blocks throw all the cc at him. When he ults throw all the cc at where they land (typically the average Doom just punches after landing, and charges up for a beat).

Ggs and good luck OP

Like any dive tank, the best counters to Doomfist are in the dps or support roles.

Play Sombra.

Works most of the time.