All duplicates in loot boxes

I’ve opened around 10 summer games lootboxes in the past 2 to 3 days and get all duplicates and blue and common items, before that I was getting at least legendary dupes for coins but not even that now. My endorsement level is 4 so I shouldnt have this many commons either.

I’m going to assume that since you’re endorsement level 4 that you are a fairly high level with many or most cosmetics unlocked in general, and all whites and blues unlocked. If the above assumption is false the following isn’t relevant.

The duplicate prevention system only adjusts what items you get not the rarity, meaning that if you have all the blues and whites unlocked then if you get only blues and whites in a box it will be all duplicates. If you get a purple or gold then the items most likely won’t be a duplicate due to the duplicate prevention system, but sometimes it still gives a dupe.

The most common loot box is three whites and a blue, meaning all the items will be dupes when you get this. If you’ve only got dupes for the last 10 boxes in theory you should be getting a purple or gold soon and you shouldn’t get a dupe.

There are pity times for the unlucky, and I believe the event legendary drop rate and the non-event legendary drop rate are separate meaning that getting a basic legendary doesn’t reduce the odds of getting an event exclusive legendary.

are you a troll?

because how on earth would endorsement level change the drop chance of items in lootboxes???

and yeah you just have all common and rare items already so you get coins, and you got unlucky for not getting any epic or legendaries


Its not just being unlucky; having all of the base commons and rares makes it next to impossible to get event epics or legendaries, since the other three slots will automatically eat up all the guaranteed event slots.

it’s one guaranteed event slot

and i have all base items and i get epics and legendaries jsut fine

this summer games i was especially lucky and got ALL the event items in 34 boxes, usually i have to buy 1 or two legendaries when getting 50 boxes

That would make sense since I got silver with 3 stars as level.

I am not sure whats going on, but the past 10 loot boxes that I’ve opened has been nothing BUT duplicates. 4 duplicates every single time, and I am not all decked out on cosmetics. Normally I don’t get this amount of duplicates, and I didn’t at the beginning of Summer games either… This leads me to believe something has changed or gone wrong somewhere…
So I can recognize the problem, and I have been wondering about it for days :S

@Jahirah-2337, nothing is wrong, this is 100% normal. you know how most of your boxes were always: 1 blue, 3 whites? now that you’re level 450+ you already have all non event blue (rare) and white (common) items, so when you get the standard lootbox (1 blue, 3 whites) you will get only duplicates. having all items of one tier won’t increase your chances of receiving higher tier items. you will continue receiving averagely one epic every 5.5 boxes, and one legendary every 13.5 boxes, like you always did. when an event starts, you will get only the rare and common items from this event (no duplicates) until you have them all, at which point you will start getting duplicates again. this is a “problem” all higher level players suffer. i say “problem” because i don’t know about you, but i would much rather get 30 gold in a box than 3 useless sprays and 1 useless player icon. you will stack up gold for the event skins much faster now, and this is a tremendously good thing!

Don’t get me wrong, I understand how it works - the more cosmetics u rack up the higher the chances you’ll receive duplicates, it’s really very simple math as you very nicely explains. The thing I am wondering about is not the fact that there are duplicates, but the fact that from one day to another suddenly EVERYTHING received were duplicates. I may be level 400-something but i far from have most of the blue and white non-event items, which is also why it struck me as rather odd that I ran into such a strike. I just opened another again and got 3/4 duplicates. The only non duplicate was a yellow-con Junkrat skin.

If they want me to appreciate duplicates, they should really consider upping the coin received as compensation. Imo it’s very low. I mean, ofc its better then no compensation - but as it is duplicates is always a disappointment to me even tho i actively try to save points for cosmetics in between events)… :slight_smile:

The summer boxes were ok. I had a mix of dups and uniques. After it was over, I have probably gotten 1 unique (doesn’t matter the quality) per 4-5 boxes?? I’m only about 75% completed on items. WTF is this! A SLIGHT FOR MICROTRANSACTIONS? I’ve been away for a while and didn’t really remember it being this bad.

i agree with you, they should buff the gold per dupe. if only just a little, something like 5 or 10 gold would already make a difference. higher level players would certainly be less bitter about getting nothing in their boxes, the whole system would feel more rewarding. as for how sudden it started, that’s also normal. at some point you had only about 3 common items left to get, and when you got them, the next box immediately gave you all dupes. i’m about 10 levels lower than you, and i only play arcade during events so i haven’t opened too many boxes, but i already have all rare non event items, and in a few boxes i will have all common non event items as well. i’m a bit of an organization freak so i follow my progress on the overwatch item tracker site, you might not be so observant but you certainly have all rare and commons, if you’re getting 4 dupes per boxes. but if this really is bothering you, i suggest checking your hero gallery and seeing if there are any rares or commons left to buy on any hero.