ALL CC SHOULD BE HALFED/ All ults should charge 10% slower

In interest of keeping this game not terrible.

Half the duration of the stuns given by Brigette and McCree.

Mei's freeze should still continue to gradually slow targets but it should take twice as long to freeze them completely. Up her primary fire if you’re worried she will be too weak with this change. The freeze is just terrible, she is way too powerful at close range.

Junkrat trap should be half duration

CC shouldn't be a death sentence. It’s quite clearly ruining this game for a lot of people. I understand the CD nerfs and the changes you are trying to implement but you arent tackling the core problem which is that when someone is locked down, even for that split second any semi coordinated team can literally kill anyone.

Also for the sake of balance and gameplay, all ults should charge 10% slower, the game is boring and built around waiting for ults this would encourage more skillful gameplay and actaully trying to take a point without getting your free Q of the game kills.


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Mccree doesn’t need any nerfs. Brig needs to primary fire and boop to kill a Tracer so. Ult still take skill. We are just moving out of mechanical Dive skill. Which having more then mechanics is a good thing for this game. If the game is just focused off of mechanics to win there are better games for that.


Thoughts? These changes are bad and too extreme


McCree needs a nerf. His stun contributes to the killing of this game. They can buff his damage and change his ult, give him another charge on his stupid roll but the stuns are the core problem with the game right now.

Junk rat and McGee’s don’t be need nerfs

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Thats a statement, why do you think this way? Can I get your thoughts?

Let’s make Mcree even worse than he already is.


Junkrat needs a nerf, he already does the most damage with the least skill input. His CC is ruining the game along with all the other hard CCs

Nope. Let’s not do anything suggested here.


There are other things you can change. Nerfing his stun would be good but he needs other things reworked. The stun wouldnt affect him.

HIs stun could affect multiple people but the duration of the stun should be halved, Stuns are ruining the game.

No he doesnt he just got hit in the face with a rip tire speed and projectile size nerf

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Still overpowered, a good junk gets his tire ready for every team fight. Its not that big of a nerf.

You are asking for a major design change for the game.

While i agree stuns are the worst things in these games, something like this will not happen unfortunely. Sadly, stun-like abilities are here to stay, because of lazy design. It’s easy to make heroes good when they have death-sentences abilities.

You do realize mei freeze pretty much consists in landing 30 hits with her primary fire right? 60 hits would take over 3 seconds to freeze anyone.
I can kill a 200 hp hero with 1 headshot+1 body shot in 2.4 seconds, why would i waste 3+ seconds trying to freeze anyone?

Technically if it came from my head it’s my thought. To elaborate though a cross the board nerf by 50% is obscenely extreme. CC in this game doesn’t last long anyway so halving a .5 sec stun is pretty freaking huge.

Then you have to factor that a lot of heroes rely on stuns to make their base kit viable. McCree , doomfist, Mei, roadhog etc etc would all be unfairly destroyed by this nerf. So yeah it’s just all around bad. Don’t take it personal though

Alright gif person, literally tell me how these changes would break the game? Why would it be bad if this was implemented?

Work so hard to get to “Trust” level 3 so you can post mocking gifs? You’re amazing.

All you people just jump on the bandwagon, OMG CHANGE? THIS IS TERRIBLE IDEA YOURE DUMB DURUDRUDUR.



C’mon think for a second.

Why would these changes be bad for these heroes?
Why do we even have CC in Overwatch?

He is right, you promote no disscusion.

Just explain why they are bad. You have the time to add these gifs, but no the time to explain?

We’re in a meta where nothing ever dies, can we not find new ways to make everyone invincible?