Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR/PBSR) is WRONG for Overwatch 2

“Fully clarified” means clarified for both parties, fully. Stating that when both parties are not clear means you’re talking for someone else and, in most cases, telling lies. Of course, you are allowed to lie on the forums if you wish.

Following every single one of my posts about my real life job with a statement that essentially means “i think you’re telling lies” is harassment and an attempt at character assassination. I dont lie. Please stop.

I will reply to this new item as it is not mentioned in the previous statements


I have never once made the statement “i think you’re telling lies”, nor have I made a statement that has that meaning

I have also not replied to “every single one” of your posts

Finally, I ask once again that personal attacks cease

It appears you didnt understand the words “essentially means that”. Your posts, while not directly stating, accuse me of being a liar in a round about way. Now that you have that knowledge, please cease with your personal attacks.

Clarification: my statements make no such accusations, and I have made no personal attacks

Having now fully clarified that, I wont be replying further to this specific item

I do however ask once again that personal attacks cease

I always roll my eyes when i see this

If you believed i was telling the truth, you would not say anything, therefore it is clear that these posts are intended as accusations and personal attacks.

But don’t you see that “retention” and “addiction” are the same thing, in this context? Gaming addiction is a thing, after all. Corporate ownership of online games is about exploitation and profit. Game holding corporations like Activision/Blizzard/Microsoft, Tencent, EA Games and others have been inventing buzzwords and jargon around this for a long time. Engagement Optimized Matchmaking, Match Making Rating, Bayesian skill scoring and Performance Based Rating Adjustment…it’s all the same thing: a decrepit perversion of an E sport that people want to play, in which they are duped into accepting EXPLOITIVE terms of participation.

No, i dont.

Retention means “do things intended to make players come back and play again”. Daily rewards or ensuring other players are there and whatever.

The addiction side is dangling that shiny thing in front of the player in ways specifically designed to normalize and ramp up spending, maximize social pressure, to cause envy spirals and generally spike players with advertising at specific times to maximize the chance of spend. Loot boxes in loot boxes and so many currencies that they all lose meaning and you dont know exactly how much you’ve spent.

Yeah dude, i know all the buzz words. They’re all very acceptable and normal things. You’re panicking over the evil sounding ingredients listed on your vaccine here.

There’s no secret shadow organization controlling all the big corporations. There have been studies done on all these things independently. People who work directly in this field use these studies to do their jobs.

I get that these things are scary. The dark side exists, just look at diablo immortal. However, MMR is a perfectly normal and justifiable thing.

Once again, I ask that personal attacks cease

I took a little break from this thread because the participants at the time were getting bogged down in ad hominem attacks. But I really think that algorithmic handicapping/Match Making Rating warrants more discussion in the main forum. Quick Play is governed by MMR as well, and I would argue that it isn’t appropriate for QP either. Who wants to be handicapped according to a form of skill rating which is invisible to other players and even themselves?

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“took a break” just be honest, you got banned for 3 months and had to use an alt during that time.

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It is scary to see such a massive suspension of critical thinking. Tens of millions of people played Overwatch, and more will play Overwatch 2. Practically none of them have a clue what their terms of use are, and do not realize the anti-competitive nature of algorithmic handicapping. Most of us have no idea this is going on. And some like you have actually drunk the kool aid.


I clearly demonstrated my knowledge clearly of the dark side of games. MMR is not anti-competitive, as everyone involved follows the same rules. There is no handicapping if it applies to everyone.

Ad hominem attacks of “suspended critical thinking” and “drinking the coolaid” are pointless. Please back up your statements with logic and counter-arguments.

It absolutely is anticompetitive.

It would help if you explained your argument.

Before commenting here, try to do a game on any 1v1 Quake server and come back here to argue why MMR is bad.

Actually it is provably the most competitive system out of every single one proposed. If it is not competitive then no game has ever had a competitive system.

I saw no such demonstration personally, clear or otherwise

that said, I understand and accept that you believe you have done so

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Ah, it appears you missed this part of my post:

as a clarification: I read everything, and missed nothing

again, I see no evidence of what is claimed to have been “clearly demonstrated”