Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Online Games

Can’t imagine why…
Everybody loves being at 50% winrate no matter how good or bad they are. Totally impossible to tell how rigged the matchmaker is after 20,000 matches. But hey, we all float down here.

The game sucks for a million reasons. The match making algorithm not being one of them.


Matchmaker is the main reason everyone left.


I’m pretty sure it was the lack of updates and content, but you do you.


New content and updates dont make a game good or worthwhile; Fairness and integrity do.

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Translation: Two temporarily embarrassed GMs blame the matchmaker instead of looking at themselves and their own play objectively

News flash: they don’t need to force 50% winrate because they just need to group you with people you’re climbing. You people are unbelievable. “No matter how good or bad they are”. If you’re around 50% winrate, you’re where you’re supposed to be. It means the matches you are getting are generally fair.

I’ll say again:

Anyone defending the system as simply “fair” needs to remember two points:

  1. The details on how it works are not published; just using the ‘50/50’ argument doesn’t mean the system is actually well done. Those outcomes could easily be manipulated which is what people are pointing to.

  2. Until the system is one of measuring actual players abilities one for one and not accounts, it is certainly distorted. There is simply no way to talk around this point, it is impossible for the system to accurately rank people.

“Skill” is certainly rewarded; the question is how accurate this really is, is the underlying question.

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Their problem quite obviously isn’t rigged matchmaking, but that the matchmaking isn’t rigged
(or to be more specific: rigged in their favor) :joy:

People in here still trying to deny forced losses and “50/50” when the so called matchmaker will literally put a team of low players against a 6 stack of plat and diamonds as if that game isn’t already decided lol.
Even mystery heroes literally shows forced loss in broad daylight when one team will “randomly” (you understand how randomness and probability works?) keep getting 2 or 3 bastions or torbs over and over until they win, out of HOW MANY heroes?

There’s no rational way to explain that unless it isn’t “random” and the game hasn’t already been decided.

The problem is the games would be more balanced with just throwing random people together than what currently exist.


One game the team gets this as the average:

Next game it’s this:

The matchmaker needs changing. Like, serious changing. There were people that wouldn’t even be able to queue with each other if they grouped up, they were put in the same game.

We had that when they accidentally did an MMR reset during Role Q implementation.
It was pure chaos and incredibly frustrating for everyone involved.

The low rank players got their butts handed by the high ranked players and matches were basically purely decided by which team randomly got the higher ranked players.

The high ranked players on the other hand got frustrated about having to play with lower ranked players because of the lack of coordination and gameplay quality they are used to.

How anyone can possibly think that throwing together 12 completely random people would make good matchmaking is beyond me.

High average SR differences are usually caused by grouped up players with SR difference or by smurfs with a much higher MMR than SR.

The former is an issue that could only be solved by much harsher SR ranges for grouping - which would cause a whole bunch of other problems in return.

The latter is not a problem with the matchmaker, but a problem of how Blizzard handles alt/smurf accounts.

Also it is kind of funny that you are complaining about SR differences on the one hand, while advocating for putting 12 complete random people into a game on the other :upside_down_face:

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That would be better balanced than this.


Whenever I end up in a game where people can’t queue with each other in the game I try inviting people. I can invite people in pretty much 99% of the cases. The matchmaker is just bad. There’s been no smurfs either in those games.

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Then you have a vastly different experience from me and from how the devs say the system is working :woman_shrugging:

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I don’t think that anybody is advocating for matches to be made on a completely random basis. What I and many of my supporters have advocated for is SR-based matchmaking, which we should have but ostensibly do not, because MMR is the true basis for matchmaking. Competitive Play should obviously be SR based and limited to solo queue. Accommodating random groups and matching players in a huge range of SR, even across brackets, is absurd.

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That is quite literally just a matter of finding patterns where none exist. It’s very common for humans.

Where you’ll also have a “forced 50% winrate” when you equalize at roughly the same MMR you are now anyways. Even assuming MMR is inaccurately placing you

Do you realize that in saying this, you are identifying a pattern yourself? That your pattern recognition may be false? Do you think you’re superhuman…?

Total nonsense. I’m not talking about MMR, I’m talking about rank-based competition. MMR should not exist.

Pareidolia is the human phenomenon of trying to find patterns in random information. It’s a very well documented phenomena. It’s not a matter of opinion or something you can one up by sarcastically going “do you think you’re super human”. No, I don’t think I’m super human. I just recognize that when you roll the dice for random heroes long enough someone somewhere is going to identify patterns in the dice rolls that don’t actually have a quantitative basis in reality.

Yes, I’m saying that your assertion I am pareidolic is pareidolia in itself. You’ve read about “a very well-documented phenomena (phenomenon),” which is a pattern of human behavior. You falsely ascribe that pattern of behavior in this case, based on assumptions you’re making because you’re too lazy to read the original post. Your sense of superiority is blinding you to your hypocrisy.

Also, you are confusing ‘inference’ with ‘information.’ These are different things. Inferences can be wrong, and information can be misleading, but neither is “random.”

The game never forces you to lose matches. You get harder matches when you win and easier matches when you lose. Something eventually has to give. It’s so simple that it is honestly crazy there is any conspiracy around this concept.