Algorithmic Handicapping is Wrong for Online Games

The “it”, of course being, they favor support that reinforces putting less effort into achieving the same result as those who put in more effort.

So yes, in general, it is fair to assume the general response to those polls is skewed.

The game isn’t algorithmically handicapped, the game and supporting software is designed to give both teams a more balanced opportunity of winning the match.

You good bro?? :heart:

A great question, in fact :slight_smile:

Very convenient…

Can you give me an example of a mainstream competitive video game that doesn’t use an SR AND MMR based system?

I can give you examples of games I’ve played that do use it.

  • Overwatch
  • CSGO
  • Valorant
  • League of Legends

These are the only competitive video games I’ve played. I’m interested in seeing some games that use a different approach and yet nobody has been able to give me an example so I’m still waiting.

:clap: :clap:

In the amount of time it would take for someone to read this, they could get a VOD review done and be well on their way towards improving at the game and understanding how to be a real competitor.

WyomingMyst provides a much better summation of winning and losing in Overwatch. And the link they shared in the same thread is much more in-line with how software is more likely to be written.

People dismiss his post because he negates human error in game play. Which is the biggest factor in all of this.