Algorithm is a disgrace

I think there should be no Match Making Rating and comp should be solo queue only

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Games would be a lot less balanced without MMR and and OW would be boring place without being able to play comp with friends.

Sometimes it is very frustrating to just solo Q.

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On the old forums the developers once said that they knew the probability down to the second decimal place when forming teams.
Guess what is easier than making a game fair on both sides.

I dont go on 10 loss streaks lol sounds like a you problem stop blaming the algorithm and git gud thats my opinion on the matter. Sounds like a whole lot of blaming the system and not crunching your replays.

Kid, don’t waste your time watching replays. Try rock climbing or slacklining or something

In theory the SR system works but only if the matchmaker works too and from what I’ve gathered from my experience since OW Beta… the matchmaker is VERY inconsistent. A lot of games the matchmaker creates are very one sided which is a huge red flag to underlying issues that I’m glad the community is finally starting to recognize.

The issue is ppl like this guy Xon here who only look at winrates. Most likely a lot of the games he lost he actually performed better in than the games which he won. THAT is the issue here.

The matchmaker is a handicapping system, and if it does its job then it completely undermines the ranking

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How? How exactly is the matchmaker forcing people to throw, cheat, smurf, be legit bad at the same, PLEASE, in 100 words or less, PROVE TO ME AND ALL THE OTHERS, how the game is controlling how people play.

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This is a link to my thread on the subject, and I believe it is explained in the first 500 words, if not the first 100:

I’ve read the entire dead and necro’d post, it’s all speculation and no actual proof, all hearsay, I said prove it, or stop trying since you can’t, and please, for the love of all that is good in life, let that cryptic post die, it’s not even relevant due to its age, and lack of actual proof.


The whole thread is based on a lengthy quotation from the director of the game which confirms the basis of what I am saying.

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Gee what a surprise.

Won a bunch of games yesterday.

Today? Three games in a row of literal throwers sitting around in spawn, and a leaver.

SHOCKED. It’s only the 500th time this has happened to the point where it’s laughably predictable.

Oh, i guess they just said they were throwing in chat after I left.


Deserve to be sued for SCAM of a game.

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Once again, and please read this one slowly ok? I’ll put it in capital letters so it’s easier to read aswell. BLIZZARD DOES NOT CONTROL HOW 1 PLAYER WILL ACT FROM ONE GAME TO THE NEXT, BLIZZARD CAN NOT CONTROL IF A PLAYER WILL CHEAT/THROW/SMURF/PLAY VERY WELL/SUCK AT THE GAME.

I hope this was easy enough to understand.


Brett. How hard is it to understand? They don’t need to PREDICT it. The matchmaker looks at their recent games.

If you have been playing horribly for 6 games in a row, and the matchmaker needs to force an even match with you in it. What will happen? How could they make an even match with you in it? What kind of teammates MUST be put on your team to balance you out?

They don’t need to predict what you will do in your 7th game like some sort of ancient fortune tellers. They simply look at your last few games and the robot says “To. Make. An. Even. Match. For. This. Player. Who. Has. Been. Horrible. We. Have. No. Choice. But. To. Give. Him. Winning. Teammates.”

Talk to me like i’m some little kid while it’s YOU who can’t grasp the kindergarten kickball concept of making “even” teams.

Who the heck thinks Blizzard has some sort of mystical fortune teller?
No one. They don’t need one. They force even matches based on your recent play.
Instead, they should use Rank and make RANDOM matches.
That way, we couldn’t see these blatantly obvious swings in the skill of our teammates.

It’s a pathetic failure and slap in the face to all gamers who think they’re playing an actual Competitive game. They’re not. They’re playing a scam built to look at their stats and constantly move the goalposts.

Is it really that hard to understand? ALL of the people you complain about are the SAME RANK you are, every stop and think maybe, they think the same way about you? Even just once in a while? Same rank, once again.


They dont do even match for player. They do even match for both teams. Even if you are best on your team and rest of your team are lower ranked potatoes, enemy team had the same average MMR. So it is fair.

It is hilarious how players think they are somehow special for the matchmaker. Nah, you are just a number in player pool randomly picked from others with same MMR to fill a team to have fair team vs team match.

You want to climb? Carry, do more than you are expected to do. Play like 2500 players if you play at 2300 SR/MMR. You wont climb if you cannot consistently do more than you are expected to do.

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Says it defies mathematical odds…proceeds to call it an alogrithm (which it is). Irony lol

Cuthbert: Red pill or Blue pill?
Me: Drugs are bad.

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The game imo is : Team 1 is 100% going to win UNLESS catastrophic failure occurs (Power outtage etc)< But even the likelyhood of them lagging/dcing/avg fps imo is probably even taken into account honestly at this point any far fetched thing you can think of is probably in the algorithm lol. Like it’s based on hero picks & playtime on said picks/percentiles on said heroes/winlossratio on said heroes etc. Thus why you take 12 accounts private profiled throw them in a game like the match maker does (cant see a 1 trick pre-game and auto pick to counter that way) is it funny that team 1 randomly mains the counter picks over team 2? Or they are absolute 1 sided curb stomping their opposing roles? Widow v Widow- 1 just shreds the other type deal.

I wish we could know the algorithm - there is no way to beat it regardless if we know it or not sadly its just a copywrite thing that people would steal they think… but cmon guys whos rlly gunna steal this algorithm amiright XD