The new PERK update just dropped, and with it, a brandnew, completely unofficial role, THE PERK POLICE
These self-appointed enforcers are here to:
Report you for NOT picking perks. (“Sir, I see you’re playing raw. Step out of the payload-REPURTED!!!”)
Pull you over for switching heroes. (“I clocked you at 90% ult charge and 1 perk before you swapped. That’s a PERK VIOLATION-REPURTED!!!”)
Judge your perk choices. (“Bastion, you really chose Armored Artillery over Smartbomb??? Beep, Boop, Boop…That’s a CRIMINAL OFFENSE-REPURTED!!!”)
And don’t even think about arguing, because they’ve got body cams (a.k.a. Replay Codes).
Stay safe out there, heroes. The Perk Police are watching. #PerkPolice