ALERT: Griefers in Retribution who won't board the ship!

So already I’ve found an issue in Retribution which needs to be swiftly addressed, and that’s the potential to grief by refusing to board the ship for extraction, thus preventing the round from ending. I just got off a game in which one of my teammates was griefing the team this way and I already know that it’s going to spread like the plague once folks learn of it, so I’m reporting it right here and now in hopes that Blizzard will patch the game before it ruins the event.

I suggest a simple yet effective solution, have the ship take off after maybe 60 seconds after landing. That should provide ample time for players to board the ship and prevent would-be griefers from ruining the experience.

Forum Moderator Note: References to repeated bumping removed as that would be considered spam.


as soon as i noticed that you can decide to not board the ship i knew it would happen.


Literally happened my first game.


Happened to me two games in a row now. One of them was on legendary mode.


I would be so mad if that had happened to me. Legendary’s already hard as it is. And I would kill at this moment to even be able to finish either of the two.


This happened to me on the first time I played. :frowning:


You shouldn’t get win credit or xp if the ship takes off without you in it after 2 minutes of landing.

Edit : that is to say it should take off after 2 minutes


Second game playing, someone on my team stayed off the ship until 3 assassins spawned and killed everyone. Perhaps have it so that if even one person is on the ship, the ship takes off regardless after a certain amount of time so that at least that person can get a win out of it.


Sounds fair, folks who seek to ruin others fun don’t deserve any XP anyhow.

To take it a step further, I would suggest that repeat offenders get a -75% XP penalty and are placed on Low Priority for Matchmaking.


Yup, had someone do this to me on normal mode as well. Had to go raise his butt before he finally proceeded to go into the ship.

Win condition should already be reached once some person boards the ship and it should be in everyone’s best interest that the ship should leave after certain amount of time if all players are not on board yet to stop people from griefing. And those who haven’t boarded the ship yet after 60 seconds get no exp from event. =)


First time playing the mode, and my whole team got tackled off the map by one of those big dudes! We lost and it was pretty funny, just had to share it.


Can you win without boarding the ship?

Yep, no matter the game mode people will troll. I guess we just gotta play couple of games for the lootboxes and forget about the event

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well some people dont know that they dont have to keep fighting. my friend thought he would get extra xp.


Apparently not, I waited at least 5 minutes standing inside the ship with the rest of my team spamming the Group Up command as the Orisa on my team stood outside doing nothing but grief us before giving up.

I think you keep gaining score as long as you kill enemies so it’s supposed to be some sort of endless thing where you leave when you can’t continue anymore.


Regardless of how it’s supposed to work, it’s obviously griefable seeing as certain folks are already using it for that purpose, standing around doing nothing but taunt and such once the ship arrives.


Gonna bump this topic up to the top.


literally just happened to me. and the rest of us ended up dead trying to save that idiot


Should have left him dead instead.

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