Aimbotters/hackers are ruining the game

Fine, so we know nothing. Why are we even talking about it? You can’t honestly tell me that you actually do know how many cheaters there are based on the killcams you’ve seen in your games.

Your low estimate that is all cherry picked biased data, says 0.3% of MAU are aimbotting.

Logic would dictate that aimbotters are more invested in the game. I’d say they probably play at least 3x more than the average person, bringing it right back up to my low end estimate of 1% of the playerbase.

That being said ,the game is free, it’s probably closer to 2-5%. PUBG, for example, another free game, is estimated that 25% of the playerbase is cheating.

People who are cheating aren’t spending money in-game. The idiots who cheat on their main accounts will spend money, get banned, then cry to the cheat devs that the cheat is detected and their main account is banned. Know what they say? Never cheat on your main account. It’s one of the first rules for cheating in a MP game. They’ll probably even open a ticket to Blizzard and say their pet rock was playing and it wasn’t them cheating. Know what they say? Account security is your responsibility. The ban stays.

Boosting the account in a ranked ladder to then sell off the account, boosting other people in ranked matches, etc.

If you haven’t seen a cheater in 6 years, you definitely don’t know what to look for. I’ve seen tons of cheaters in those 6 years. Not so much in the very early days but as the game got older, the cheats started to get more prevalent.

And that’s the logic everyone runs with. If it’s not a rage hacker, there is no cheat problem.

I know this one cheat dev said that HWID do appear to be in place so if you’re getting banned for cheating, definitely expect one of those bans.


EDIT-replied to wrong person

I agree with almost everything you said, but minor correction, the best aimbots tend to be custom made and very expensive.

Game uses same engine as OW… same code… same cheats work lol.

Magic Bullet is expensive now though.


Oh I mean spending money in-game, they’re not going to be buying cosmetics or the battle pass or anything. The hack or accounts, vpn stuff, spoofing stuff, sure.


if you are a good player, you can just use ESP and no one would ever know you are hacking. Don’t even need aimbot.

ESP is already such of an overwhelming advantage where you will never get flanked and always outflank. Also if you clue your team in on enemy locations its even stronger.

I’ve never seen any evidence of a genius cheater so its just a scary hypothetical.


Oh ya that I agree with, nevermind.

Seems like should reinforce phone numbers after all.

Ranked 1 in EU was a known hacker for weeks and was mass reported and he was finally banned.

He had a phone number since he was on the leaderboards.


Then Blizzard needs to enforce their tos.

They only care about profit, and they only removed phones cuz they realized too many potential customers couldnt play to buy their skins.

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Then the game will be on borrowed time. People don’t like being cheated.

The fact that diablo immortal made millions even after being called an april fools joke, I have no faith in the players.

The reason they don’t ban players instantly is because they don’t want to give the cheat makers instant feedback on what triggers it and what doesn’t. You could then very easily run experiments to probe the system for weaknesses, you’d know you were on to something the moment you won a game without being banned.

This is one area I’m optimistic. They had incentive not to hardware ban people in OW1 because they would buy the game over and over again every time they got banned.

Now they are doing hardware bans (allegedly, people in cheat forums have been saying this recently), and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that that started after the game became free.

It’s not your average gamer that throws 60 dollars at it. It’s the whales who made it big. I’ve never touched Diablo immortal, I stay away from p2w trash mobile games.

I think it’s important to point out that as greedy and P2W as Diablo Immortal is, the rate you can gain currencies free to play is much better than OW2.

Tell you the truth, my interest in this game is waning as well. I play maybe 6-7 rounds a week with my friends and I don’t do the weeklies.

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Oh 100% there are going to be HWID bans because the game is free. They do HWID bans for Warzone and the other popular free FPS titles do HWID bans as well.

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