Aimbot? You decide

Only the last clip is somewhat suspect. The first 2 are not at all. So overall no. Also stop walking in a straight line lmfao

I sent two videos (as links to unlisted/private Youtube vidoes on my Google account) to two months ago, with an email explaining what was going on. The videos were never viewed.

That email address goes to the bit bucket.

I am not intimately familiar with YouTube stats but I do believe unlisted videos don’t properly track views in comparison to public videos. I could be wrong though.

However this does not discount the possibility that they may have had evidence already to confirm or deny your report without the need to view your videos (especially if you used the in-game report tool).

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Cheating is pretty tough to actually catch in Overwatch, due to the replay system being kinda pared down to handle quick replays. I’ve seen replays of myself playing where it looks like I could be an aimbot, but it also looks way different from how it actually looks when it happens in game. The replay feature smooths out a lot of stuff and can make aiming look robotic, when it’s not.

Still, when it’s reasonably questionable, I just report it and let Blizzard sort it out.

And when speaking of aimbots how do you find concrete evidence that is undeniable?
In fact I don’t have to be top500 to tell you that I have identified quite a few cheaters and also got them banned.

Just played after a 3 day break and i agree, there is definitely a new aimbot or people are smurfing like crazy. Literally got spawn camped by a tracer and widow who never misses.

When you are in the middle for so long, someone so far outside of your skill range is pretty easy to spot. Hopefully these losers get ranked up quickly.

You identified one genuine cheater. I don’t believe you only played with one in all your games since then, just think you didn’t identify more, but had some, whether it’s more subtle aim assists or wallhack. No way you only played with one.

@OP: do as WyomingMyst says, contact them with the clips and the battletag so that they can check on that player and take action if necessary.

I mean I used the most drastic example, but Tracer and Genji have the most possibilities on unpredictable movement so they are generally the easiest to tell if youre being tracked.

Like I already said I would find it suspicious if the Dva was even remotely trying to dodge shots, or not move in a straight line.

Tracking people who move in straight lines isnt really THAT weird in high plat tbh, if he at least tried to strafe and dodge the shots it would be suspicious to me.

completely agree.
A friend of mine in low plat has games where he has over 60% acc on Cree, but its not every game, and there are games where his aim is complete trash on cree and just has to swap off it.

  • First clip, you have bad position and free for him

  • Second clip good shot, nothing weird

  • Third clip, in grav but at 15mts really ez shot, he missed the first shot in fact. Last kill Zen seems to have more accuracy in fact and get the kill.

All body shots some of them missed. Really hard to tell but I cant see nothing weird.

Well yes, I understand the part after the Dva was demeched. That’s on him (the OP), but the moment that the mech passes under the bridge (or catwalk or however that thing’s called) and the crosshair seemingly follows it, that’s the thing that looks fishy to me. But, oh well, we’ll never know.

Maybe something at the OP still: was that person’s profile private? If not, it can help to identify the possibility of being a cheater or at least smurfing or account sharing. For example:

  • very low level => likely a smurf
  • almost no play time on hitscan heroes in any mode => possibly cheating or boosting
  • unusual SR behavior through time such as bronze one season, master the next, plat after that, etc
 => possibly any of the three
  • etc

Identifying cheating (or any other illegal activity in game) is really an integrative ‘science’, you need to use as many aspects as possible and even then there remains room for discussion.

Aimlocking mostly. Snapping to people’s heads from awkward angles, Tracking players through walls ( Althought this isn’t always very reliable because pros can do a good job of predicting where people are behind walls too, Especially if the enemy is making a lot of noise. )

I’ve met so many players that are very fast to judge others for apparently cheating when they are just good at the game.

I’ve also lost track of how many times I’ve been called a cheater in my lifetime of playing pc games. ( I don’t cheat btw )

So how does legit tracking look like? It’s smooth, no? With a little adjusting here and there, because obviously the enemy will try to make you miss.

What I see A LOT is someone instasnap onto you, tracking perfectly, but with micro jittering on the head area. I don’t even know how someone can do such small jittering, your mouse sense and DPI must have to be crazy low, like 400 and 0.5 ingame or so. But then how do you instasnap with it?

There are people who shake the mouse while tracking to offset AD crouch spam. It does look fishy, but it is an aim style. Makes it kind of hard to see, but good players use it.

There are microflick trackers, there are smooth tracking styles and there are some that can barely track at all.

I like to watch Dafran because his tracking is so smooth it’s easy to watch, but other pro’s
 Some of them the way they shake it’s hard to watch.

Some people are really good at aiming but don’t have that much game sense.

Which doesn’t fit any of the videos as the ashe was shooting the OP from great positions.

I like how perfect his tracking SEEMS to be with plat rank.
Not hard to walk in the same direction as another player.

Been playing FPS shooters since the days of Quake II and that was years ago, in my experience and having played all sorts of games from then on it’s true that it requires a certain special skill to be able to tell if someone is botting or just reallly really good at clicking heads. Therefore, if I question or if something feels off then I just report and move on. It’s a skill I do not possess and leave it up for the pros to figure out and do some banning if needed.

This is what exactly someone says when someone has profited form cheaters or someone who has used them themselves. Don’t listen to that kind of mentality, continue to report every single one you think is cheating. No harm no fowl if you’re wrong. You clean up the game if you’re right.


Wait wha


Ok ok ok Let me just process this mindbogglingly unbelieveable logic you have.

  • Because I said I’ve met one cheater in 3 years 
 That suddenly means I’m someone who has either cheated or profited from selling cheats. What the **** kind of logic is that.

  • Thats it. You continue false reporting good players for cheating. You might get one of them falsely punished one of these days. I bet you’d feel great after that.

  • No harm no foul? You’re just OK with reporting skilled players because nothing will happen if they are good? You’re the reason the report system is hated by the community.

  • You know false flagging is a bannable offense too right?

Are you seriously trying to make players think twice about reporting people they genuinely feel like are cheaters? Because it seems as if you don’t have any problem at all with people running a muck with cheats. If people are reporting other players and believe in Ernest that the person they suspect is cheating, then it isn’t false. It’s false if you try and enlist a personal army of reporters. For example, trying to encourage other players to report other players who did not come to the same conclusion.

Second, you do know there is more then one way to profit from something other then money related gain right? Please use context clues.

I just want the ability to spectate those who I suspect at this point, just so that I can get the information so that I can make a determination. Part of what the problem is over a long haul is that even if you question it, you may not get a second chance to see if it’s a repeated action. That way I can see a trend.

Sadly, the way this game is built, you sorta have to send in one clip because you don’t necessarily have a chance to get a second.