Aimbot? You decide

I do this occasionally trying to heal people through walls as Ana. Like oh wait brain, this is an X-Ray view, they just ran behind a wall.

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Dang it I was going to make a VAC joke.
Especially after CS GO went F2P.

There are a ton of bots in OW. No doubt.
But this didn’t strike me as cheating tbh.
Here’s some Ashe gameplay if you care to check it out.

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I have like 600H of overwatch at high level and only see like ~3 aimbot hacker during my whole life of play. (One in quick play during level 25, one in plat during season 4, and another in master during season 8).

I think he is not hacking, he just smurf.

Those were all easy shots.

1 Ejecting Dva predicable arc, misses head shot.

2 Baby Dva unaware they simply shoot were you would have been if that pesky wall hadn’t have been there.

3 Players in a grav. Doesn’t go for headshots.

Not much of an aimbot. Not a smurf either.

  1. First shot isnt hard to predict

  2. Looks like ashe was on their way to the top/ saw you up there earlier. Standing still makes you an extremely easy target.

  3. Caught in a grav, body shots. Not too difficult to do.
    The shooting through the ground may be suspicious

Overall not enough evidence.

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I don’t know how can you say that either, not experienced enough? :man_shrugging:

Ooh Wyoming, that MVP title looks good on you.

No. I just don’t instantly accuse people of cheating until I find concrete evidence that is undeniable.

Here you go. Free of charge ( Sorry I’m not lv3 )

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  1. There isn’t any tracking through the wall here. You aren’t going to teleport to the other side of the map in the 0.5 second that Ashe can’t see you throug that wall/bridge. She is just keeping her crosshair around the same place she saw you.

  2. The mistake of shooting the wall is 100% human. He is anticipating, and you don’t always aknowledge walls when flickshoting. Walls shot happens a lot, especialy when shooting through small spaces.

  3. Shooting people in a grav isn’t really complicated. And same thing as two. “Spam” shots are quite common if you play hitscan. It’s the kind of scenario where you have litteraly no reason not to try to hit a part of the hitbox by luck.

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No aimbot detected here captain, sorry to say but this person is just decent at aiming. The first clip they missed you as you were demeching (shooting at the mech specifically) and they also just assumed where you would go due to the demech animation.

Second clip she saw you and tried to shoot you while you were out of mech, a good aggressive play.

Third clip, she was shooting into a grav, you had a rein in there with you as well.

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Every video is fishy. It’s very convenient that the Ashe tracks the same part of the target into walls while the health bar is still visible. This does happen to everybody by mistake but it’s definitely not a common occurrence. It’s completely possible that this player is legit, if you could actually spectate games after they’re finished you could tell beyond a reasonable doubt if an aimbot is involved.

The obvious aimbots that do huge flicks while perfectly tracking with full auto weapons seem to get banned quickly but I honestly have no clue how they get caught. I’m inclined to to think the report function is close to useless since they wouldn’t ban a player based only on the number of reports they’ve gotten.

Not aimbot, just a smurf

None of those clips look like cheating at all.

Ive seen people with way better aim in plat. I tend to play supports and I always get suspicious when I see a Widow, ashe or cree with very good aim, but usually I figure out their issues soon enough, and tbh usually its terrible positioning and game sense. Or say Widows and Ashes that do really well until they get into a sniper duel etc.

And this Ashe exibits at least some of that pretty decently, especially in the last clip where she drops bob for no reason, And I feel like if she was aimbotting she wouldnt be that concerned about dropping her ult all the time.

Also in general if you want to check for aimbots you usually want to go Tracer or Genji, to check for ‘‘snaps’’ in the tracking.

The first clip was pretty normal tbh, demeking makes diva pretty vulnerable as she has predictable movement AND the OP moved in a straight line making himself an easy target.

The second clip again, a Dva calling her meka is a pretty easy target to hit, but unfortunately the video was cut out and we dont actually see the shot.

The last one, people are saying shes botting but tbh that last shot just looked like she saw an HP bar and tried to shoot at it without thinking much about the angle or if she could hit the target properly, hell I did that multiple times lmao.

clip 1: dynamite demeched u
clip 2: a remeching dva is an easy shot since they dont move
clip 3: you were graved so once again easy shot

You can add Youtube links at level 2.

The first shot is just proper crosshair placement which you should be doing as a dps player, you aim and move where you think the enemy is going to be. They didn’t even really aim as much as they just strafed left.

The second clip they missed their shot and then hit you as you were remeching. Getting back in your mecha locks you into a standing animation and makes D.Va super easy to hit.

The third even though you’re in a grav makes me raise my eyebrow as that motion was very smooth.

It could potentially be just a smurf but at the very least there’s not enough evidence here to say definitively or even most likely that it’s an aimbot. The predictive crosshair placement and smooth flicking I would say isn’t the hallmark of a plat player.

Or it can be smurfs. Btw it’s hard to tell because the average plat player doesn’t have very good positioning and gamesense to begin with (me included).

Now you’re only considering the blatant (and usually free) aimbots that instantly snap to the target. But there are a lot more subtle cheats circulating. Aim assists that smoothly pull the crosshair towards the target for examples. Just type in youtube ‘overwatch aim assist’ and you find multiple people demonstrating and explaining them. You’d be surprised how human these can look.

If anything I found the first clip the most suspicious, how that crosshair smoothly follows the dva, through the bridge and at a constant speed.

Anyway, of course it’s hard to tell from only 3 clips. The key to identifying cheats is consistency. Humans are inconsistent in nature, so someone who displays very consistent aiming behavior throughout the game is likely to be using some sort of cheat, the lower the skill bracket the more likely.