Aimbot? You decide

Heres some footage from a match I just played. We won so I not just salty, just curious. What do you guys think, is this aimbot/pixel cheating?

BTW not a headshot, just body shot;

In this clip the Ashe de-mechs me, I pass under a bridge. she continues to track through the bridge and shot the mech as if it were an entity still alive (just as you can pin or hook it). After mech disappears, she moves to my body and two taps me. (take note of the position of the shots)

In this clip, I whiff a bomb and go to re-mech from (where I think is) a safe place. This Ashe sneaks up and tries to shoot my body, but shoots through the wall (in the same place as the last body shots were (from the bridge clip)

In this final clip she shoots at me in the grav (same place as all the other body shots), proceeds to track me through the rein and finish me, again the same place. Then she scopes on the Ana and shoots through the ground, moves up and finishes the kill. AGAIN all shots in the same place.

What do you think? Again, I’m not salty, cuz we won, and either way, saying “aimbot” is cancer without proof. I obviously can’t type all this in the report, so just asking for community evaluation.

Let’s discuss your opinion! Can’t wait to hear!

Have a great day and hope Jeff blesses your games!!


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I will not make a judgement call, but if you do suspect a cheater, make sure to report it in-game or send your video footage in an e-mail to so that Blizzard can review the footage.


Could be a triggerbot… but triggerbots are really annoying to identify so I dunno for sure.


I just wanna say I do that wall shooting thing ALL THE TIME. If you have good tracking skill but you play hitscan AND projectile a lot then your brain will confuse itself sometimes and you end up shooting even if there’s a wall in the way


idk non of these are good enough to judge, but from the 3 clips it doesn’t seem like aimbot


the first one doesn’t look like aimbot… at all
the second one you cut off before the replay was done. but i constantly wait for dva to repilot her mech for an easy headshot.
the third one is the only one that looks funny at the last shot.

but one funny shot doesn’t make a trend. and it doesn’t prove an aimbot


It’s hard to tell with these clips as there aren’t enough examples. It seems like there’s definitely a reason to suspect aimbot considering the SR and how consistent the aim is, especially with how it’s so perfectly centered with very little variance. There’s a possibility for a low-sensitivity pixel bot (Hence why it doesn’t go directly for your head all the time) or a tracking bot, and I would definitely be suspicious myself.

That being said, I don’t think there’s enough evidence in these clips to say for sure that it’s a cheater, but it absolutely warrants a proper investigation.

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This shows Blizzard anti-cheat doesn’t work for squat, these clips only pick on low hanging fruit, the cheaters are all out there by the thousands easily foiling the system and laughing at you, while Blizzard’s not giving a single care.

Aimbot. Last clip is super telling when they try to shoot your head through the ground instantly as soon as they get red pixels on screen, aka your healthbar. Then the multiple scenarios of perfect tracking through walls is just fishy af. Send these clips to blizz and let them investigate.

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Yeah, that’s very suspicious aiming for a supposedly slightly above average player.

It’s probably not a flat out aimbot, more likely some kind of aim assist. They’re much more subtle.
Or… you know, maybe it’s a GM+ player on a smurf account… that’s probably more likely nowadays :man_shrugging:.




Sorry the links were being weird for me so I’m posting this in-case it’s being weird for someone else as well.


The first two clips just look normal, but the last headshot through the ground is really fishy looking.

Would be a lot easier to determine if you weren’t moving in a straight line


Couldn’t click them, myself. Was that what you meant by weird?

There are no quick snaps to the target in any clip besides the third one. The moment the health bar appears, theres a mini snap to the neck of where Ana would be.

The 6-7 second is pretty revealing. Nobody flicks like that, specially when you are actually not seeing the target.

Throw him/her to the fire.

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They are, if you zoom in and run it at a very slow speed you see they lock onto the same handful of pixels for every shot.



I feel like there’s not enough proof here. That Ashe might just be good.
But then again, I don’t have enough experience analyzing aimbot clips, so I have no idea really. She could be using a soft aimbot?

I really don’t know how you can say that. I’ve played since beta days and have met one genuine cheater in my entire play time.

Compare that to Steam’s VAC and ow is a sacred game.

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So basically pixelbot. If it sees red, it’s ded.