Aim bot gone bezerk

Game play code


Blue team Moira.

You can start spectating from their perspective at 5:06 in the match and see the aim bot go bezerk.

Crazy lock on and like 2 examples of tracking through a structure in like a 15 second window lol.

Is this open queue? This looks like a bronze game. The moira is probably playing on way too high a sens (she can barely aim without overshooting everything).

Or is this console and they’re bad with a controller? Only issue here is how forgiving Moira is to play and both teams having zero clue what to do. Or is this mystery heroes? I need more details dude (no it isnt mystery heroes, you guys chose these comps … wild)

But nothing about that moira’s aim looks like an aimbot or even a trigger bot. It’s all over the place. Oh and I think the lock-on you think you’re seeing is their connection stuttering (another reason why I think it might’ve been console).


This looks like drunk aim assist on someone who plays OW the first time.

As Glass said: Bronze, console?

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There’s no hope for this game. More and more I’m convinced. :slight_smile:

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Well OW surely has a cheater problem, but that looks like everything else than that
8:30 looks weird, but not aim bot weird

Oh there are definitely cheaters out there, no question. I had some replays posted around here of clear cut rage hackers, but for THIS to get called out is beyond me.

Worse than that, the comps in this game are beyond me. A lot of OW2’s problems stem from the people playing it, so given the evidence seen here, I think we’re donezo.

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Did you watch the specific time frame I’m indicated in the post? That was pretty clear lock on, the mercy lock on even looked unintentional lol. I have a clip of the particular play in question but I’m not sure how to link it.

No I watched 3/4 of the entire game. The ONE time they briefly track something is not a cheat my guy. That moira is bad. The teams in general are arguably worse.

Now it’s one thing for you guys to willingly play those comps - it’s open queue (right?) and you do you. But it must’ve bothered you enough to come here and post about a hacker. Even if this moira WERE hacking, one hero swap on your team could’ve rolled their entire squad. Two if you’re really struggling. Blaming a cheat in this is insanity.


Why are you reading so much into the post? I posted an example of aim botting. I never said it was the primary reason or a reason we lost. My team mates were terrible, they fought in the same spot getting destroyed for 4 minutes.

However people aim botting (this person was obviously aim botting) doesn’t help when there are noobs that are trying to figure out how the game works.

“one time they track something” you clearly didn’t watch the part I indicated lol.

Because cheaters are an issue but every time someone posts something like this it devalues anytime someone calls out actual cheating.

Which part you indicated? I started watching from your timestamp, you vaguely mention 15 second spans a couple times. I got through all that and have no idea what you’re talking about. Then I went back to see if there was anything weird before that which there wasn’t.

Something else to consider, false reporting and this report system being abused all over the place - if that Moira is getting reported for cheating (if you did or anyone did) then the bar is so low EVERYONE is cheating at this point. It’s crazy dude.


How do I post a youtube link? You’re right about the sporadic aim though. That person can’t aim for squat. However it was pretty clear an aim bot was being used, especially there near the end because of how they locked onto targets.


Just put ` around it without spaces

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‘’ ‘’’

Can you give more infos: Console or PC? What rank?

In the nicest way possible, that video quality taken with your phone on a PC that can natively record clips only backs up that you really shouldn’t be identifying “cheaters” when they aren’t cheating. Also that you think that gameplay is evidence of a “lock-on” cheat says you shouldn’t be going around calling people cheaters.

Maybe I’ll go play a game on this account and upload the replay for you. Your head will explode.


This was a quickplay match, everyone in that match was supposedly on PC.

Junkrat aimbot when?

~This is a totally serious post. Totally~~


If that was quickplay PC, yes that looks fishy and weird
There were a couple of instances of instant correction

Report and move on. If you are right you get a thank you message

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It’s 1080 p if you select it under quality. You don’t know how youtube works? I mean it’s pretty obvious what this characters reticule does that she’s aim bot locking onto targets. Me thinks you’re more like one of those people on the forums that denies every instance of cheating despite evidence, you guys are like the flat earthers of video games.

It was quickplay. Console players can play in pc lobbies by grouping with pc players. They also have aim assist. Although if that Moira had aim assist I think they would’ve done better than they were.

You say they were all supposedly pc - how do you know?