Aight Mercy Players, Would you rather

They need to make her more self relient. Abilitys that ehance and empower teamwork are all very well in top tier, but most of the player base is not in the top tier so their is little chance to sway a loss to a win if the teamfight is going poorly. The best you can do is tag a long and hope your teamates are semi competant.


It’ll mess up your muscle memory and etc. theres a feature in fortnite where you can set different sense for combat and building and everyone says it messes up with their brain

I have a single sensitivity for nearly every character except Mercy.
I just want to make Mercy’s sensitivity, when pulling out pistol, the same as literally every other hero.

Mercy is one of the only heroes that I have a higher sensitivity on

So it actually wouldn’t mess with me. The current system messes with me which is why I suggested what I suggested.

But, but, then they would just run out of range.

How about, and I know it doesn’t fit in with where the DEVs were going, but what if it repaired armor? It couldn’t add it, but if your target had it, it would fix it up slowly. /shrug, or maybe not.

What could I get if we had both of these removed from the game? No more Valkyrie, no more rez… what a lovely thought…

It’s good for moments when you have to defend yourself. There are moments when there’s a flanker on you you can’t quite get away from and either it’s quick play so no one’s in voice or no one is listening to your calls for help. So in order to scare the flanker away or get rid of them, you have to shoot at them. And it’s not always easy to do that and then go right back to healing because the switch time is a little clunky. Yeah, doing damage isn’t Mercy’s primary purpose, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.