Ahhh Your Reward for Carrying yet losing is

I agree with this as well. I don’t like that my stats are compared to all other players who played on that map with that hero. Sometimes you can’t get good stats because of the way your team is playing, even though you a performing well considering the circumstances. I hope it takes your team’s performance into account on some level, when calculating the mysterious “MMR score” but I don’t think it does.

Well, if you can just consistently outperform the other dps on your team, you should climb, assuming the matchmaker picked the other dps at random from a range near the average match SR (i.e. the other dps wasn’t chosen to ‘balance out’ whatever expected effect you have on the team). This would be the correct, fair way to design a matchmaker.

Sadly, that’s not how it works in this game. The matchmaker is trying its damnest to be a random walk simulator, and it’s succeeding real well. Funny thing is, many people are convinced a system trying for 50% winrate is somehow the most fair thing you can achieve.

I feel the way it’s designed is the reason people are so frustrated and feel like they can’t climb.
The game doesnt even gives stats that could truly help improve.
I mean, how can I improve things if I don’t know them.
It shouldnt be secret…

With a more skillbase SR. Not only you would be rewarded for playing well, but also, there would be no doubt that you did bad, when you did bad, no excuses possible. Which would clearly help many to improve too.

Also, that system will temper the effects of bad matchmaking. For exemple, if you end up with a master in your team that carries you too hard, at the end of the match, that person will just get so much more SR than you. Making it almost impossible to be carried up the ladder, cause your personnal performences matters.

If I am on the loosing team, but compared to all 12 players present, the stats shows im top 3 or 4, I think I should win SR. (Of course winning gives more). The same way : I am in the winning team, but I don’t even have a medal, I underperform and got completly carried. Even if I am on the winning team, there is no reasons I get SR.

Not only it look more fair in many ways, it feels it would be less frustrating for everyone. The feeling ‘‘its not your fault but your team’’ would dissipate.

I know you can climb the ladder right now, I have climb it. (But not without many frustrations). Still, it feels the current system requires you to play 1000 games in order to have you righly placed.

People don’t use stats to improve in overwatch for the most part

Its about learning your hero + role, positioning, cooldowns + ult management etc. Like you can gradually figure this stuff out and work on improving it

Like for one example as moira, you can figure out how to maximize use of your ultimate.

So first you can find a top level guide/advice on how moira can use her ultimate so you have a base understanding (instead of learning it from scratch)

Then you start practicing it.

Few key things to know about moiras ult is that

  • you need to hold it on a specific hero and not change up targets to get kill confirms
  • she builds the fastest support ult in the game because her damage orb + damage builds ult charge when healing isn’t necessary
  • you can use the ult to hit more than 1 hero at the same time. So you can damage multiple targets, healing multiple, or damage and heal at the same time
  • strong initiation tool, to get your team to engage and get an early pick

So you can work on incrementally getting better ult economy (speed of getting your ult) and improving the amount of value of your ult to high levels.

So in your vod review [with maybe a coach] you can go over how you can improve your ults to eventually maybe your ults are diamond level/masters level (whatever you desire)
Or after a fight you can ask the question, what went wrong there and what could I have done differently?

So yeah get game knowledge -> apply knowledge -> learn from the applied knowledge -> take learnt lesson and apply for next time for incremental improvement

But yeah hope that helps :slight_smile:

While I understand and totally agree with what you are saying. There might still be moment, where you might think are doing great, but you aren’t really. You might be getting carried. Personnal stats allows to quickly see thay ‘’ oh yeah, I thought I was healing but actually I wasnt doing enough, I need to focus more on that.’’. It gives a more personnal guideline to what needs to be improved.

Personnally, if I am not playing, I am mostly whatching videos and studying character stats.

But there is a difference between understanding the theories, and appying them. Sometimes what is needed is fact, real hard truths that help to evolved.

Yeah for sure I agree - getting lost and not knowing what to improve on is as common as hell i feel these days

A lot more stats for sure would help but they are not 100% necessary imo. Cuz vod reviews, coaching, self reflection, guides + advice - fill that job

I did always wish that ow had comprehensive stats like league of legends tho I feel you

skill levels become compacted about masters. 100sr becomes a huge leap in skill generally. t500 as an example is leaps and bounds in skill above gm.

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Dps don’t need gold elims, they need final blows and/or a lot of damage.
The elims medal is literally useless, and final blows does not have one unfortunatly.

I could be a dva who spends all game firing on everyone from way beyond her effective range doing next to no damage and others do all the actual work and get gold elims that way.

Useless medal.

That is why you have PBSR below Diamond, where you win more SR if you perform well and lose more if you were rly bad. The only reason a lot of players do not see it or feel it is because low elo are so inconsistent that it is almost impossible to play the same every match.

I’ve noticed it with myself. There are some matches where I am like “who is this guy? how am I doing so good” and the SR gain afterwards reflects it, but the next two games there is no way I could produce the same gameplay I did two games ago. Huge inconsistency on my part.

However, I do agree with the fact that we should at least get some info on what one needs to work on, what is taken into the account the most when it comes to a higher SR gain, etc. but on the other hand, if Devs would even reveal a tiny bit of how MMR works and is calculated, what particular stats are being taken into account more than others, do you know how many people will abuse it and will just work on that one stat alone?

You will have more feeding teammates than you do now and complaints would be even more frequent.

If for example as a support you found out that elims on support are going to give you more SR and will pump up your MMR, good luck with getting any heals whatsoever, even less than you are getting them now. Every single player in every single elo is going to abuse the hell out of those stats and the System for revealing it to you.

Also people are way, way into medals. I would personally remove them altogether. A DPS who has no medals but always gets an important kill, shuts down an ult provides insanely more value than someone who just blatantly shoots at everything that moves, getting gold damage and/or elims.

lol (20 characters.)

I use medals for exemple, but of course it needs to be more complex. Complete new stats maybe. But something that pushes players to perform, and not to exploit a flaw.
It can’t be just one stat and linear.
But for me its really that loosing or wining shouldnt mean automatique lost or gain of SR. Something more fluid that reflect performences and reduce the impact of the randomness of the MMR.

This is the truth! Doing your best only pits you against the handicapping system:

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TIL of the “4 Box” method of self-reflection and improvement. : OverwatchUniversity (reddit.com)

I found this reddit post a while back - maybe it may be useful for ya

Well said Mikosan! Very well said!

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Thanks Winter :slight_smile:

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