Ahhh Your Reward for Carrying yet losing is

Now I know why I keep getting 6-12 game losing streaks yet maybe get 3 game win streaks. The more you carry a bad team and lose, your reward is an even worse team. Weird how I see my all time high in diamond. Season high plat. Yet I dropped to gold now silver and still can’t win a match yet EVERY match im golds. I main Pharah because dropping this low due to leavers, dps heals, dive tanks etc. I single handedly keep our team going soloing 4 v 1 till our team comes back but get Mercy’s who can’t pocket (easy win if I can ever get a mercy to pocket) and still lose non stop as I carry with 0 heals 0 pocket even with Mercys.

Sooooo I guess just throw then since i am given forced loses? Oh and yep. Last 4 matches still after an 8 game lose streak and season high 1 rank above and all time high 3 ranks higher, I get potato teams. Mercy’s boosting Rein while thier Pharah (me) takes out their 2 heals and 1 dps yet the rest of our 5 man team can’t beat the other 3.


Why are you talking about gold medals? If you are dps, thats basicly your job to have gold medals for kills and dmg. That doesnt mean you overperformed. PBSR will show if you played above your elo.

Are you actualy playing in EU? I am looking for dps to duo on support mercy.

sounds like you might be carrying the wrong team :grimacing: :-1:


Medals don’t matter at all.

You should make up for the weak points of each other, not try to ‘carry’

Step off your high horse, group up or something.


This is a textbook post of “everyone is bad and I always carry and I dropped so much SR due to other people.”

Have you considered playing something else when your team is running a comp that does not compliment the Pharah choice? Do you always need a Mercy to pocket so you can do something?

Ever heard of walls and cover? If your Mercy is not paying any attention to you and you are determined to play Pharah, and the enemy is countering you, using walls and cover might help you a lot.

How someone can reach Diamond then fall back to Silver is something I will never understand, even with losing streaks, unless you were never supposed to be there in the first place or you were boosted or you are one of those Pharas who cannot do a single thing without a Mercy pocketing them.

And you soloing the enemy while your team is dead only tells me how bad your gamesense is. Why would you try to solo anyone while your team is dead? What will you accomplish? There is no one alive to help you or use the space those kills made. Do you press Tab in your games? Do you look at the killfeed?

Not hard to get gold elims when your team is dead. It is not how much you kill, it is whom and when. Killing stuff while your team is dead brings 0 value. You just feed ult charge to the enemy when you are the only one left alive.


i meaan if u droped from diamoond to silver it just meaans u wrere boosted or ur trhowing ??’


It suprised me too. I know players who were diamond, I am diamond peak, but droping to silver is something I would not dream off even in the wildest dreams.

Just the performance based SR will stop you from going that low even if you have potato team mates.

Lvl 46 account hmm, probably overplaced in placement by a long shot.
But it might be opposite case too as new accounts can land pretty low with bad luck in placement and few next games. But since profile is private, we dont know.


pharah is a bad hero though unless you duo with a mercy main

Now I know why I keep getting 6-12 game losing streaks yet maybe get 3 game win streaks

Don’t play late evenings and early or mid day on the same account.

You rack up your MMR in the late evening when matches are at the most organized at that rank, but then if you use the same account in the middle of the day to early evening, the players online at the same rank have lower MMR on average and you will be the top outlier.

This will cause mid day losing streaks that seem unbreakable.

Do what most players do, get an alternate account for middle of day, early evening, and save your main account for late evening.

I had a boost to my main account when I started doing this, while the mid day account is stuck at a low rank.

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All part of “intelligent laddering”, which includes adding the right people, grouping up, juggling avoids, queue dodging, queue sniping, playing meta, taking breaks, warming up, and of course…

Swapping to one of several burner accounts when you feel you’ve peaked for the day and want to protect that 70sr decay-offsetting gain.

To me SR is a complete joke and in no way a reflection of in-match ability. It’s a measure of smart laddering and cheesing for wins. Not at all a measure of raw talent, which requires a lot of loss and innovation.

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What did you do to get to diamond?

Fair warning, he seems like the type to go toxic fast.
Who knows though.

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Because you’re not carrying. In fact quite the opposite. When you have a losing streak, and the only thing common to those games is you, YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THE STREAK.

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play well = rewarded with hadicapped games
throw = rewarded with priority pass


It makes sense to mention because there are plenty of times when one of the DPS doesn’t have gold elims. And I wish I could say that circumstance was a rarity, but it isn’t.

Nah. Carrying the team means winning the game for your team, or performing in such a way that you’re the principle reason the team is performing as well as they are. “Carrying” doesn’t necessarily imply victory.

And no, that’s not true, he’s not the only thing common to his games: also common to his games is the matchmaking system.

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This is not true. They might matter and they might not. It’s situational.

I don’t see this person as being on their “high horse.” They’re expressing an opinion regarding what many believe is by far the worse aspect of this game: the matchmaker.

If you’re carrying but losing… you’re not carrying but in fact losing. You carry when you win because your contribution was so above par. Folks just overuse the concept to ego-stroke nowadays.

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There’s no formal definition of “carrying.” It’s a colloquialism. Carrying can used to describe the share of the burden someone is shouldering for their team. If someone is getting 80% of the elims for their team, they’re carrying on dps. If they lost the match, they still carried DPS, it just wasn’t enough to win (and as you mention, their contribution was still above par). You can carry enough to win, and you can carry and still lose. Carrying is a matter of degree. It doesn’t make sense that failing to win would nullify the extent of a player’s contributions.

Unless you have access to some serious statistics, I don’t know how you’d know whether it’s “overused” or not.


Even Urban Dictionary includes winning as a prerequisite to the gamer colloquialism. You aren’t carrying if you lose because in the end your contribution didn’t matter. In how it was first used, it referred to like stunning examples of one player over-performing. Nowadays folks use it if they win regardless of how close it was just like they overuse all kinds of hyperbolic terms until they lose their focus so a new one is grabbed.

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