Aggregating all "POTG's always go to healers" bug reports

OMG, just get rid of healers/tanks if you’re going to nerf them every time someone complains on the forums. :roll_eyes:

It’s been an issue for a long time. I’ve had highlights/PoTGs on Zenyatta where it’s only chosen because my Orb of Harmony is healing someone while I maybe kill 1 person or shoot them once and then hit the wall 3-4 times.

This may sound redundant, but I don’t think the issue is that healing matters too much; it’s that meaningful kills/damage don’t count enough.

The reason I say it may sound redundant, is that I feel ‘damage’ contribution towards PoTG needs to value killing blows more. Yes, sheer damage matters, but as many know, securing kills is what wins fights since healing can undo massive damage.

Headshots, Shutdowns, Long-shots and multi-kills should all factor highly on it; damage and healing should be smaller factors.

Anyways, just my 2 cents…I’ve been complaining about how boring/poor PoTGs are since beta, so it’s nice to see it’s being looked into (not that 100% of PoTGs are bad; some are really good…but it’s stupidly rare.)

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Doomfist mains who had the same bugs for over 2 years: first time?

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:crab: Rocket Punch doesn’t put Sombra’s hack on cooldown :crab:

Yeah but this is a POTG system, not abilities on a hero that have hundreds of different ways to break and stay balanced

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The absolute state of one-trick Moira/Mercy mains.

I’ve noticed this more-so with Moira. She often gets POTG, but this time she’s guaranteed one if her damage orb tickle damages the enemy. Not even a group, I see it with maybe one or two enemies.

This is both on my own POTGs and that of team mates/enemies. Kind of reminds me of when Ashe could shoot dynamite twice in a row, and that counted as an enemy and she ended up with POTG shooting dynamite.

Hey Matt, I just wanted to say I deeply appreciate you guys coming through and responding to the issue and fixing it. This interaction between the playerbase and the development team is crucially important for the success of any game, and I hope you can forgive me for being shamelessly “squeaky” about the problem. :slight_smile:

so glad that potg is a priority bug fix considering everything else really good community we got here. just saying audio is still bugged wouldn’t say no to the greese on that wheel. or muting people vanishes after client restarts. share the Greese? :slight_smile:

also D.Va’s ult is everytime on POTG, like how hard is to pres 2 buttons?

So better to fix Moira and D.V’a POTG.

I don’t think I’ve seen D.Va ult kill more than one person without a combo in 2 years.

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Its not a bunch of dps players whining about healers getting POTGs now, its the fact that a person can get a quad kill and a moira gets play for healing someone and tossing an orb into the crowd.
Does that make any sense?
Play of the Game in my mind means a play that kills most of the enemy team/changes the tide of that game. Not a Moira spraying teammates and the occasional right click or a Brig flailing around and passive healing.
POTGs are just boring now. Nothing big, just an assist and some healing.


Yea just make it so that genku will always get potg. That seems to be what ppl want.


thank god. When i get 3k Nanoblade and moira gets POTG by standing still doing nothing more holding rightclick i just completely LOOSE IT.

i got 2 3k`s by launching a dva bomb in to a crowd. It was mid bronze tho. i am silver with DPS.

I actually got 2 2ks yesterday by unplanned, random Qs when I lost my mech. My planned ones always get 1 since everyone positions a little better around the gold/plat border. I remember when I first got my 2nd account I got like a 5k the first day playing vs new people.

Moira’s have gotten POTG in more than half of my ~15 games tonight in low diamond… it’s just ridiculous. Some of them don’t even have a damage orb it’s literally her right clicking 4 people without ANY final blows. I get a 4k nanoblade with all 4 final blows but moira tickled one extra person for the extra elim and she gets POTG. Glad to hear they’re finally fixing the algorithm for the first time.

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The thing is that they have changed the formula without stating it in the patch notes. These are the most embarassing things that can happen to software developers - adding bugs to an established feature without even announcing there was a change
The obvious problem is that a tiny damage on an enemy that is getting killed is counted as full kill for the player. In my opinion a full kill should only be awarded to the person who did the most damage to the enemy. The next highest reward should go to the actual killing blow etc…
Saying that the recently frequent support potgs are unspectacular is an understatement.

Same, 3 Games Random Heroes, all of them got Moira POTG, just Spray a bit Lefthand Stuff… He said fixed at Patch 1.47. It’s on now and it’s not fixed…

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This support POTG seems to be really broken now but I would not mind, if healers could get some POTG (not broken one) from some important moments of healing and reviving and etc… I mean we do a LOT of work in game, it´s just not really fair. I would love to get some POTG as Mercy when saving their butt in a critical moments and not killing enemies. That´s all.