After this ptr goes live


orisa is fine but just shafted by the current meta

In order:

  • Bastion.
  • Roadhog.
  • Symmetra.
  • Reaper.
  • and Mercy last.
    The heroes above are in bigger need of help than Mercy, and compared to them is Mercy still a decent pick.

That would screw her even more on EMP though.

Genji 150 dragonblade increased projectile speed

Tracer 400 pulse and 8 second recall

Brigette back to launch state

Hanzo hitscan instead of projectiles

Mercy instant rez Valk back at 20 secs and heals at 60 and Valk resets Rez

Junk back to season 6 form

Widow grapple on 6 second cd and does 300 damage on body shot and 500 on head

Dva 4 seconds def matrix

Sombra instant hack and gun does 200 dps

McCree back to his sniper days and increase FTH damage


Bastion and Reaper both need a rework. Regarding Bastion’s kit and overall playstyle, and Reaper having basically only one ability.

Roadhog needs a revert to his first nerf, and also to this hilariously crazy second recent nerf. He’s been one of the worst characters in the game for a while now. A terrible kit, inconsistent damage, amazingly terrible ultimate and feeding potential makes Roadhog a terrible hero overall.

Mei needs a buff. I say a Blizzard charge buff because of her nerfs to it a long time ago, where they diminished the charge rate for 30% and the global ult nerf afterwards. Also a cooldown decrease on both Cryo-Freeze and Wall. She’s close to being good enough, and these changes should make her better.

Symmetra needs a health buff because she is an offensive character with relatively low killing potential and no mobility, and also a buff to her primary fire. Her ultimate needs to charge even quicker to compensate the fact that it’s so terrible.

Mercy needs a buff to Valkyrie.

Junkrat, Reaper, Roadhog and Orisa.

Bastion needs a full re-work

you’re missing the only negative winrate support :wink:

people that say Orisa needs any buffs dont play her or against her enough.

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Please tell me you’re joking.

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Im pretty sure the community would implode if they wasted more resources on mercy. For 2 reason.s

  1. The mercy mains would have an stroke because it wont be what they wanted so it wont be right.
  2. The fact that they wasted resources on a hero that has has the most attention.

roadhog already needs a buff, he will need double buffs

I didnt include mercy cuz I think she needs a rework. I forgot about reaper and symmetra but I agree

They should give Reinhardt a new ultimate rework giving him 2 hammers and rampage mode where he murder players swinging like a madman. Fix charge give him CC immune at this rate I don’t think blizzard has what it takes to fix earthshatter 100% tired of all these bugs you need to step it up blizzard!

I’m glad you arn’t on the balance team, I hate her bubbles with a passion.

Ah, we’ve finally reached peak Sunk Cost Fallacy.

Just because they’ve sunk a ton of resources into fixing a problem they’ve caused, and ending up with it still being a problem, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep spending resources trying to make her better.

They caused the rework that made her get nerfed like 10 times in a row. It’s their responsibility to fix it all the way, not just band-aid it.

I’m going to include reworks, but in a separate list:


  • Reaper
  • Symmetra
  • Orisa
  • Roadhog
  • Ana
  • Brig (really)


  • Bastion
  • Sombra
  • Mercy

shrugs blizz is crap at balancing their own game and it is evident in seeing the amount of attention they give ptr feedback threads.

I agree mercy should not have res on a cd its busted and needs to be removed. but while it is on their she should have reduced healing output so she is not the best healer with the best abilities. However that does contradict what they said about her kit in previous remarks.

But unless they remove res back to an ult or out of the game ( i prefer out of the game as it represents more skill that way) I do not want to see mercy receive any more attention since she was viable all these nerfs and bastion/reaper/hog have slowly gotten worse. Its time for tanks and dead dps to receive some love for a chance. Not a healer who has been meta and defined metas for over a year. Let her sit on the wayside like ana did for awhile.

Roadhog and Symmetra.


The Overwatch UI needs a considerable buff/rework :wink:

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