After somehow falling to bronze this season after playing overwatch for 8 seasons I find myself playing more apex than overwatch

I have no idea how I fell to bronze but trying to climb back up 2 more ranks to get back to where I was feels too stressful. I have become obsessed with Apex. I won’t be quitting overwatch but something is wrong with the comp system. The excuse has always been that the game knows what rank you should be in and if you are in said rank you belong there…That obviously isn’t true because I fell to like 2 ranks down this season somehow. Either the MMR needs a reset or they need to make the placement matches mean something. I am a hardcore overwatch streamer and content creator. But something needs to change in this game. Anway, like I said, I won’t be quitting. I still love overwatch. I just feel that something is very wrong with the system at the moment.


Matchmaker sure can be screwy. I fell 2350 to 1700 one season. Was a nightmare trying to win until I adopted a less team centric, more mobile hero pool.

I then climbed back up with 80% win rate.

What works in gold likely won’t work in bronze, unless you’re a dps fragging out.

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Not knowing why you were loosing games is probably why your in bronze…

How exactly is this obvious? If you fell 2 ranks it has something to do with either your gameplay, or your attitude towards the game.


I’m gonna need a link to this hardcore content. Asking for a friend.


i know this is bs. i have gone from platinum to bronze and back up and all over the place. this game has ZERO idea on where to put me. broken competitive more needs to be fixed.


Amazing. Ive never fallen out of a rank I’ve achieved for more than 10 games and never more than a single rank. You are just extraordinarily inconsistent.


If you play for rank in Overwatch, you should definitely switch to no rank Apex which is actually a better comp game, not that it doesn’t have warts (like about the longest TtK in the industry…your bullets are nerf bullets).

But falling ranks is the best thing that can happen, I don’t know why you think that’s bad. I’ve played from bronze to high gold and by far bronze and silver players are better people. I mean, the game gets worse from what I can tell as you rank up. You play less characters, play with generally worse personality people (not all but a whole ton), get people throwing and leaving just as much if not more because they are having a fit over not being able to play what they want in their minds, and so on.

Low ranks are the best. Unless you are in the Overwatch league or already a pro-streamer, nobody cares about your rank, so you shouldn’t either.


It is a bit crazy. I’ve had this account since season 2 or 3, haven’t been Gold for like 10 seasons now (literally have made it to Diamond as DPS the past few) - got placed in Gold somehow out of placements, and now I’m falling because high Gold is a toxic mess. Throwers every other game or you get those 3-4 groups that are just toxic to everyone then go all dps the moment we start losing.

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And yet there are fanboys insulting people and defending the sr system.


The problem is simple: there are tons of smurfs in gold, they ruin the game. And Blizzard does nothing against it.


yeah it is really awful. i think it is a mix of matchmaker problems and me being very inconsistant. it all depends on how much i have to fill. my dps is very consistantly good, but my tanks and healers are usually bad or ok. so if i have to fill it is already very inconsistant on top of my inconsistant ability to play tank or healer. oh and dont forget the inconsistancy of throwers and smurfs and bad teammates. thats alot of inconsistancy lol.

oh hush dude. you don’t know just like I don’t know. It could be any factor of things. It could be smurfs or mmr or me randomly sucking out of nowhere despite holding a steady rank for like 7 seasons and being a way better player than ever. But don’t pretend like you know more than blizzard is willing to disclose lol. Comments like yours just always seem like one of those “holier than thou” posts or “I am better than you” posts

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OR, it could just be you not being as good in the new meta as your have been for the past 7 seasons?

Yeah you may have lost a few games due to bad teams or smurfs, but if you actually deserved to be 2 ranks higher than where you fell to, you would be able to carry yourself back up. The difference in skill between 2 whole ranks should be enough to win most games that far below, unless of course, “ThE sYsTeM iS bRoKeN”.

If you consistently play at a higher level than anyone in your games, then you will climb overall, it’s pretty simple, but you do have to commit to the grind. You won’t win every game, but if you actually belong 2 ranks above where you are, you will climb.


Welp, players should have pushed for more transparency at the get go.
It could be anything, even if your gameplay improved it might be just an effect of declining player numbers, hero balance changes etc. the reality is we don’t know for sure.
Its easy to believe in a system you know nothing about as long as it works in your favor. I’d rather have a transparent system, at least I’ll know what I’m putting up with even if it possibly isn’t as accurate.

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WEll my friend. Something went wrong.
Bronze can be pass with Heroes like: Reaper,Pharah,Mccree, Way too good Sombra, Bastion,Rog,Zarya,Dva,Tracer,GEnji,Hanzo,Widow,Moira half dps and half healer, Ana half dps and healer,Zen.

Silver can be pass with junk, Lucio,Brigitte,Rein,Zarya,Rog,Maybe a good soldier. Gold you need to play more as team and protect your team. So someone like lucio, a good zen, a good Ana half dps 35/65healer, etc.

If you keep using a char you used in gold and it is not working, remember where you are you will receive less support from your team, you are basically alone. You have to be good to get out, but playing a 100% healing Mercy,Ana,Moira you wont get anywhere; AS you will be healing a dps with 10~28% accuracy the whole Match, TO pass as tank i think you should be way too good as you rely on healers and dps.

You have 4 follower and your clips/vod section is literally empty

I’m streaming as a hobby but if you are a hardcore content creator, I’m the ninja of overwatch …


Yeah they recently made a major change that has made people drop huge ranks and other raise ranks. It’s a complete mess and it’s actually getting worse. I have a friend who is Masters and has really never been in anything below diamond, he dropped to platinum last season and couldn’t rank up. This person is a very good player, it makes no sense at all. This game is done for.

I don’t buy half the stuff you say, but if it matters, I went from mid diamond to GM last season



QUIT IT hahahaha

I feel you. I dropped in Season 12 I think from 1770SR to 749 Sr. I’ve reached gold last season, but now I’m silver again. I’m on a 14 losing streak right now and my friend in masters is having the same issue (Isnt masters anymore). But are you in a team or are you solo queueing?