After playing apex legends

I got bored and reinstalled overwatch

I don’t understand the battle royal fad. battle royal is a game mode, not an entire game >.<


Usually I’d agree with any Battle Royal, but Apex is different.

It feels more like a Deathmatch than a BR.

Might be the respawn feature.


I thought I’d get bored of it by now but I’m still enjoying it. Doubt i’ll still be enjoying it 3 years from now, but I’m sure I may have thought the same thing about OW back then.


It’s really not BR at all. BR is anyone against anyone. Set teams, and revives really just make it team elimination. The whole random weapons thing isn’t really new, it’s just the old weapon pickup system we’ve have since DooM disguised with a coat of paint.

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3 squads alive, circle is still big, my teammates push enemies and i sit with sniper rifle to cover them
My teammates die, ring closing, i’m so damn far from next ring
I can’t save my teammates, i barely survive WALL (thank to lifeline passive to heal faster)
2 enemy squads are fighting, i use sniper rifle to harass both
Now i’m alone vs 2 players from last squad, zone is getting smaller
I charge forward, kill them both with shotgun, my hands are shaking, teammates caps GG
2k damage, probably my best game so far

Having only one life adds spice, no wonder CS is still relevant without re-releasing every year like BF and COD. And no wonder Rainbow 6 making already 4th year pass.

Teamfighs (thanks to titanfall) are fun by themselves even if you don’t win. Two won teamfights i consider a good game already. Ping system makes cooperation works great even without voice chats.


idk, its an amazing game but like…
BR games just don’t do it for me. I guess its just me cause obviously its popular, as was fortnight and pubG
but I play a few games and them im like, meh


i found it really well made and light on my pc graphically and file size speaking.
It’s pretty nice and flowing and yeah, it feels more like an old arena shooter than a battle royale.
It’s its own game.
Probably not for me, but i hope it lasts and doesnt’ turn into another moneygrabbing scam from EA.

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What are you four? Maybe eight? Why is this even a thread… You’re wack.

It’s why Fortnite and Apex are free, why PuBG was like $40 on release, and why I refused to buy Blackops 4 at all (no single player booo). But for free, apex is very fun and worth a try. Not full game material, but I’m having a blast with it.


In the contrary, I haven’t touched ow ever since apex came out. It’s way too much fun and I can finnaly carry . No more random deaths to some arrows touching the air, no more melee to win team comps. No more press q to win the point.
Just pure aim and decisionmaking ; the kinda stuff I’m into.

Hell yesterday I won my first match completely solo ,from the start to the end. The feelings I got when that happened ,NEVER happened in 1300 hours of ow.


Its just a BR with a bit more “flavour” added to it, nothing much.
If you dont like the whole grinding, farming, running and then camp/harass … then you wont like pretty much any BR.

I like objective based games, without that, its just “sneaky” tactics and kill each other.


I really like Apex (at least more than Fortnite) but i still prefer playing OW more than anything


Apex is amazing but each to their own. Apex was needed for us Overwatch junkies who were burned out but couldn’t muster the courage to leave this abusive relationship. Apex might only be a rebound but time will tell.


honestly all battle royale games are pretty boring…
there are two major aspects to them

  1. the looting: which is not rewarding because once the game is over all of your loot goes away if you want to be rewarded for looting why not play something like warframe (pve) or the division (pvp)?
  2. the action: which is rarely existent… most of the time you’re hiding in a shack waiting for the circle to move going in aggressively usually gets everyone on your squad killed and if you want constant action why not play something like overwatch?

Welcome back to no poor balance and a stale game :open_mouth:

I wouldn’t call it a fad. I’d call it a popular new genre that is currently being oversaturated in the same vain that MOBAs were oversaturated.

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in before an overwatch battle royale game gets considered by the devs…

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Actually I believe they did consider it and decided against it, rather wanting to create a new title. They actually might have ultimately considered against that as well since the market is kind of oversaturated and it’d be pretty risky to release a new battle royal without something to make it different. Blizzard doesn’t do different though, they do streamlining.

the game is very bnalanced actually both teams get same options so equal

Unlike other BRs Apex rewards mechanics and positioning incredibly well. The gunplay is solid, no lost fights because of bullet spread or bad hit detection. It’s 90% you, which is so much less frustrating than other games like Fortnite or H1Z1.

Characters having abilities and passives adds an interesting new flavor to the BR genre. Playing a game as pathfinder feels way different than playing Bloodhound. Which adds an extra layer to its replay value.

I love the game. I am not, however, blind to some of its flaws. Hero balance, bugs, and frustrating server issues to name a few. It’s only a matter of time until the novelty wears off and players start moving on. No matter how good it is, it’s still a BR game.