92P080: 18:50… Please change this dumb rule, or at least keep the “minimum” touching to something a little more reasonable.
I didn’t load up the code… but IF you’re referring to the small the distance is to touch a payload objective I agree… The least they could do is have a visual outline on payloads to show where you need to be. WAY too easy to accidently c9 in OW2.
Way worse, he was over top of the objective, and they do have a line around.
They need to do better, or not, makes my switch over to a better game much easier.
oooooof… okay I actually watched it. Your bap did a full charge boost jump OFF the cart. the distance is totally fair to be considered off cart, the only shocking part is that the overtime wick burned out in like 1 second so he literally didn’t even have time to come back down.
I’m still on board with making the distance to contest/be considered on payload a little more forgiving but imo the bap definitely left the cart, he wasn’t just right above it this was a max distance jump lol.
https ://postimg.cc/mcLfpZRt ---- remove the space
the red line shows where he was when he officially considered off cart. I edited this to show his body when he left cart and his body at his max distance on his way back down. at his peak he was just a bit higher than this even off cart. You can even see the overtime wick was almost completely burned out before he even started falling back down. That’s a bit quick - but basically you can be ONE body length off cart and it’s considered not close enough that’s a bit harsh imo.
cmon they are a small indie company! give them time! they still need to fix orissa’s ult visual distance!