Advanced Training Range! ⚔ [V11.1]

Oh boy, i think i get it now. The variables youre working with not only are limited, but shared between pretty much every mechanic you try to implement? [just curious; im no programmer but i worked with games and i do find quite interesting this kind of thing]
And regarding the ‘laggy’ thing you mentioned for tracer’s lifesteal, applying the effect in short successions is too performance-demanding? [curious²]

Anyways, tks for taking the time of the day for my comment~
And sure! Again, no need to do anything of what i’m saying, i’m tossing ideas that could possibly inspire you!

The zenny thing, eh, the txt and the color change is just extra flavor. And tbh, the color would be more than enough feedback [shrugs] Having worked in visual feedbacks before this is something that caught my eye, but really its whatever.

The only thing i strongly think it’d be interesting is the godmode station + recharge mechanic~ You mentioned that you’re already working towards this kind of stuff, i can only say i’m eager to test it!

And the losing hp practice, yeah, i thought the same today right before reading your comment. Different heroes would definitively need different life steal rates.
But by all means, if you DO end up being the hero i need and create this, like you said, i think targeting it to the more practical ones like windows marker, mc_right_click, banAna, etc is more than enough. We as community need to be responsible aswell for how we use the tools provided.

Something that might be a workaround that more or less make it usable for any hero, is if you manage to make a script that automatically access the player’s chosen hero dmg value and apply the set % over them. For instance, ana does 70dmg/shot; if i miss, the script automatically calculates that i’ll take 25% back of that as dmg on me, and if i hit, it calculates that i get 20% back as hp (the latter is already done in reaper’s life steal i’m guessing). I do not know if the workshop gives us access to this kind of of data (i think it does since in the vanilla custom game editor theres an option to edit all dmgs/hp/etc at the same time?), but i think it would solve both problems of usability for other characters and work load.
Also, no need to fine tune like “ok. so ana wont have her nade to cure herself”. As cool as it is making closed practice tracks, we need to be responsible for how we use the tools aswell². You already said you have no intention, and honestly, gg, you’ve done god’s work already!

A piece of thought though. If you end up delving further into more advanced practice routines, it might be better to simply create other modes. As convenient as is having everything in the same game-mode, the bots limitation will be a pain. For instance, the ana jump training is amazing, but it’d be even cooler with more anas and more randomness. Put some anas on the ground and some jump pads around + some randomly spawning anas in the air, etc, but as it stands its not possible because of the bot limitation. The same goes for the lucio practice, there’s ways to make it even cooler, but same problem. The dmg/miss mode i suggested already is something that maybe would deserve its own mode.

Again, no need to do any of the stuff im saying¹²³ and dont worry!
I’m really eager to see what comes next, cheers o/

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Houston, we have a problem!

I guess that godmode, ana paintball and warps back to spawn will have to wait :confused:

Right now trying to package things up the best i can!

EDIT: made it to version 5.1

  • Overall more tidy code
  • Improved movement system
  • Improved visuals
  • Overall more user-friendly

Code: C2XJH

D: oh no… Welp.
I tested the last version, and nice!! Very good modifications, it really is a great job giving the finishing touches. GG!

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  • last polishments made
  • improved respawning system
  • made it so that players cannot die unless they jump off the map
  • tuned times and trajectories of juggled bots
  • tuned times for flick bot
    Code: CK0FK
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We’re Back on Track boys!!!

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Cant wait for more =)
I recorded a short video of the mode quickly showing its features. Its a good way to show to ppl what exactly does this mod contain. If you guys wanna use it, go ahead! Although, if you guys would rather that i did not have recorded & uploaded that, do let me know and i’ll remove it np ^^

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Hey, I’m compiling a list of workshop community resources, and I was wondering if I could add this practice mode to the list. :slight_smile:

Sure, go ahead! :smile:
I’d like it a lot!
I’ll be updating here all the features!
PS: minicod is my 2nd account that i use to post updates when i’ve already answered with this one!

A new version is out!

New in this version [7.0]:

  • Added Dodge Mode for Juggle Bots: in this mode bots will get launched multiple times in different directions so to strafe from your shots!
  • Adjusted launch patterns and starting points
  • Added Extreme Mode for Lucio Bots: In this mode, for every .1 seconds of primary fire being held, you will recive 50HP of damage and lose 10 points form the overall score, but you will gain 20 points for every damage dealt every .1 seconds and gain 75HP
  • Added portals to go back to spawn, once teleported to the gamemode
  • Removed the crouch to go to spawn mechanic
  • Visual Improvements to both interface and portals
  • Added Unlimited ultimates mode: Blow up countless bots with pulse bombs, cut them with blades or kill them with dragons as the score for ultimates just goes up and up!


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duuuuuuuuuuuude :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Both the ana new mode and extreme mode are just way too awesome!!! Im glad my ideas were of use for you =D i literally spent the last hour playing with it haha

I cant stress this enough, both modes are just awesome!!! You never cease to amaze me~

And since you removed the crouch mechanic, i’m guessing youre going towards godmode (or something of the sorts) again?

Btw, love the feedback effects you added in the ‘buttons’ to toggle the modes =D this was more or less what i suggested back then for the zenny one! (did you add it to zenny too? i dont remember now [shrugs])

Welp, hold your horses, here we go again.


•I was trying the tracer mode and i dont really get how to score the 180 kills, just the standard. Both with zenny standing and teleporting, no matter how much i tried to blink-kill him, i wouldnt score, so how exactly does this work? [ps: yes, i was using tracer]

• The score on the lucio extreme mode is separated from the vanilla lucio? And in this case, the score shown at all times on the screen is just vanilla lucio, right?

• The way extreme mode works is the following: It FIRST adds the 75hp (if you hit ofc) and THEN it decreases 50? I noticed most heroes couldnt go over 150hp, while ana would go to full health with a single shot and zenny could go to 200hp aswell. If thats how it is it makes sense since ana does damage/tick and zenny no matter the order the game processes the hp gain/loss, since hes a projectile character it will always first decrease his hp and then add, while the hitscans it would follow the proper order and end up with not going to full health.

ps: please open this link before; its an album with all images i’ll reference here. Sadly i cant post clickable links, sorry :frowning:

• The ana dodge sometimes didnt seem to properly work? I’m really not sure about this one, and if i am right, i really dont know how or why, but there would be minutes at a time that she would just jump straight, as if dodge mode was off. Idk if its a bug on my end, on the server, or if its just my impression and i saw wrong because of the angle or something; Other times i tried it worked just fine. I’ll try to test more later and give a better feedback about that.

• In the lobby, the position of the beams and tps by themselves is very well organized and pleasant, but since we need to read the texts, it becomes hard to read since its too cluttered. [image 1]

• I already felt the ana jumps were a bit claustrophobic, but now with the tp and ‘buttons’, even more so. I accidentally entered the tp back to lobby a few times while walking backwards.


• Change the ana mode to here maybe? [image 2.1] This way we would have way more space to choose from where to shoot [image 2.2], be it closer or farther away, and for widow and ashe we could use the fountain as a bootleg high ground. [images 2.3 & 2.4]. Although i completely understand you might not want to mix the lobby with any of the modes as its not the most aesthetical thing to do [shrugs].

• This above about the ana area is not much more than my preference, but at the very least i would suggest you move the tp a bit farther back, or even behind the ‘modes buttons’. [images 3.1 & 3.2]

• A new usability idea i had when thinking about highground for widow is that, is it possible to make so we can control our height?? Something like a ‘fly station’ that when active, if we hold jump we go up, while crouching we go down? And i dont mean it like a bootleg infinite pharah booster, but rather, when we let go of the jump button, we stay floating in the air in the current height. This way it would make all training areas more interesting at the same time since we could freely choose the height and angle we want to practice from. Not to mention the jumping ana covers quite well practice against airborne enemies, but we totally lack shooting down from highground practice.

• In the extreme mode, if theres a refill/godmode mechanic on the way this might be pointless, but as is rn, it would be very nice if we got back to full health when activating the extreme mode.

• i know in theory you have no intention of making custom settings for different heroes in the extreme mode, but if you ever do, maybe change so soldier and tracer dmg/health values are a bit different. Something like 10dmg/15heal? I thought it would be hellish playing tracer, but while its VERY hard i actually found it incredibly fun and an awesome way to practice tracking. This would do wonders for zarya aswell.

• Maybe make so in the extreme mode you take like 5 dmg/second or something? My intention when suggesting this mode was to add some pressure on the training as it can be quite lenient to just stand there and click heads. As is now, it is very, veeeery good at that, but i still feel like i can ‘cheat’ it by waiting for easy shots. (although if the person REALLY is dead set in ‘cheating’, they can use meelee, go back to medpacks, etc, so, eh . . .whatever). Nonetheless, i think the time pressure would be the last step to make a really great and tense practice routine, with ‘real danger’ to put more pressure in acquiring those hits and more or less simulate the danger of a ‘real fight’.

• In the lucio area, maybe adding like 2 jump pads would be interesting? No need to throw super high, a bit lower than the dome would be way more than enough, but this is just yet another small thing to make the training a bit more interesting as even though the lucios being juggled around are awesome, it does not happen that often and there would be lots of times that they would just walk in straight lines.

• In the zenny teleporting practice, if you could add some kind of sound for his tps it would be awesome. At first i was standing in front of the portals shooting zenny and doing flicks. I tried instead staying in the middle of it, and boi oh boi… What an interesting way to practice! Its another practice entirely since instead of appearing somewhere randomly in front of me, there are 360° of possibilities. The thing is, as is its pretty much impossible to predict where he will appear, not to mention he blinks quite fast, so its not something very doable. With sound, not only we could practice our surrounding perception by sound, but we would practice some advanced movements like 180 shots (specially useful against sombras). I more than understand tho if you have no intention of doing anything of the sorts as that wasnt the intention of that training to begin with.

As ever, my suggestions are but suggestions, hopefully you find them useful.

I’ll get back to you with suggestions for the lobby tho as i’ll need to take some screenshots and prepare some images first.

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Ok, feedback about the lobby:

Also i forgot one suggestion to the extreme mode; making headshot heals you full hp and give like, 5x more points. No need to tho, but it would be cool!

The amount of love you put so far on it, if you continue to develop i can just say again that i’m absurdly eager to see where it goes!

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Ok, hey there!

Let’s talk about the ideas and suggestions/bugs 1 by 1 :slight_smile:

unluckly for us, godmode cannot really be a thing with the current commands: setting ammo is not an option in any command so the best i could/can do is make it so that you regen continuosly and have infinite ults…

the tracer mode is structured like this: you go on the green ring, blink 180 into the red and kill the zen in less than .35 seconds if i remember correctly

that is correct as i was not sure of how i should have implemented the score for that, but i guess that inserting a scoreboard in the mix might not be the worste idea after all…

you can revert the order: every time you shoot you lose 50HP, and every time you land a shot, you get 75, the reason why with ana you go back to full hp right away, is that ana’s damage style is a DoT, so the system gets confused on what to do and just heals you/gives you score, adjustable by setting a longer delay on the checks, but i’ll have to look into it…

EDIT: take the system as intended for hitscans only, currently it’s impossible to implement all correctly without breaking a lot of stuff…

since the inputs are random between -15 and 15 points, the ana bots might just not get any impulse sometimes, plus the AI just strafe for the first X seconds after spawning, than it stops, so the only thing remaining after a while is the programmed pattern that in dodgne mode is the impulses between - 15 and 15 and in normal mode, are just straight patterns

to be fair, i think i’ll move the spawn point a bit further ahead, so that the text do not touch eachother.

the lobby tp can be easyly moved, so i will do that right away!

I want the ana mode to stay there as the jumps are planned pretty ok as of right now…

this is doable but would be extremely laggy and ping dependant, so i’d rather not stress the lobby anymore under that point of view…

up /\

if i modify slightly the time for the score, i’m pretty sure that i can still solve most of the issues without actually messing up the whole system…

i thought about two main modifications for the “extreme mode”: first of all, damage over time, as you suggested, because why not and than disabling melee and anything that is not primary and secondary fire.

EDIT: Cannot disable melee.

the purpose of the lucios there is not really to be juggled around too ofted as for that there are the juggle bots and yes, i understand that you really want some sort of jump pad somewhere at this point :sweat_smile: so i’ll see where i can set some of them!

to be fair i would have liked a lot to add a bit more sounds to the lobby but i’m unsure on how to do that… i will study the possibility anyway!

ehm, i don’t know about that, it sounds too op… still i’ll think about it!

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Version 8.0 OUT!

  • Added sound effects to portals and flick bots
  • Repositioned some portals
  • Improved the lucio bots extreme mode
  • Added a jump pad
  • Adjusted the spawn position so that text will not touch when spawning
  • Stability improvements



no no no no man, its all wrong >:( you do not understand the art of the jumppads!
The correct way would be taking the block going out of spawn for attack A, make a loop of jumppads that throws the player around the block, but once we get in we cant get out of it, while constantly spawning the text in the most passive agressive manner possible: “ARE YOU HAPPY NOW KUNOMORI???!!!

[… is it … … is it easily doable tho? a-asking for a friend. . . :eyes: (sweats)]

Tks for the answers! I dont seem to be able to do the tracer 180 tho… You can see my very competent tracer here [kabaji who? sounds like a wimp]

Maybe make the timer slightly longer? Although i guess this says more about my competence as tracer than how you configured the mode, so, meh… I really wanted to properly test this in the live server to avoid the high ping :expressionless:

Ok, very serious and ESSENTIAL feedbacks:
My jump-pad course in the attack spawn A;
Give ana wheelies, granny g2g fast!
Make ana create jump pads with the interact button!
Give ana wallclimb! [and torb!!]
Give ana a sleep dart that puts her own team to sleep that automatically homes at teammate genji!
More jump pads!
Make ana shots go throught walls!!!
Make sombra’s boop sound play when we walk into the hacker corner! This one is of utmost importance!!
Have i mentioned jump pads yet???

Its literally umplayable as is, 0/10, i want a refund. >:(

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aight, jokes aside…

I was laughing a lot at zenny sound; him floating + magic spark sound = magic zenny haha. Personally i found it quite interesting! Also i love all the audio feedbacks~ What did you think?
Also, should you get excited about going crazy with sounds, imagine a world where everything interactive there made a sound =D [this is not even a suggestion, just a silly thought heh]

The lobby, yup! Your solution was very good, the position the player spawns makes all text separated, smart move!
What did you think of my suggestions for the lobby btw? Not ‘guilt tripping’ you or some bs like that, im here just tossing ideas to see if any are useful, so i’m actually just curious~ °3°
[which btw, i’ve been running my mouth left and right. srsly, if you do not want this kind of feedback, by all means let me know, i would hate to be stepping on your toes]

The new update on extreme mode! Praise the jump pad haha [cof] And praise full health at the end~ But yeah, losing hp/sec surely adds that last extra spice!

adressing some of your comments now;
God mode; hm… unless the regen ammo thing is like, super complex and too roundabout to implement, i think it would be worth implementing! Regen ammo is pretty much as good as inf ammo anyway [shrugs] Also if not too much work, making abilities not having cd as part of that package would be cool, although again, if its too much work, eh . . . I was already editing ana’s sleep dart through the vanilla custom-game-settings, so its whatever really.

The lucio scoreboard, i dont think its particularly a problem as is now, but it would surely be cool to track in real time aswell the points for extreme.
Is it possible to do it more organized? Maybe the score for X practice just appears when you’re actually within range of said X practice? [tossing ideas]

The hp order thing in the extreme mode, if its the opposite of what i thought, do you know why the hitscans cant go over 150hp then? I dont think this is particularly a problem since eh, extreme mode gonna be extreme [shrugs], but i’m actually curious². Although regardless the order, i guess one way or another the player either would not have acess to their fisrt 50hp or the last 50hp.
And yeah, dont sweat it, its more than understandable making it hitscan focused, its already really good! Also not being able to disable meelee, i stand by my opinion that we should aswell be responsible for how we use the tools. If the person ‘cheats’ at it just for score, even though there isnt even an online highscore…

And about the extra points/hp for headshot; i /think/ its not that bad as its WAY riskier going for headshots. My accuracy with mccree for instance is around 50%; sure, not the best, but not the worst, and sometimes i struggle to hit even bodyshots, let alone headshots. Nonetheless, the values i mentioned are not the important part, but the bonus~ Also i forgot, having a little bonus for killing the lucios would be cool aswell, since most of the times is actually harder to keep track of that one lucio you already shot, not to mention its a good practice for live games imo [switch too much between targets and no wonder that pharmercy never dies…]

And ana dodge, ok, ic. I also played a bit more of time and yeah, just my impression, tks for clarifying!

Srsly, no problem if there are stuff a bit too hard or that you simply dont want to do, i’m just tossing ideas mostly. The only things i actively thought would be worth dealing with was the spawn, ana juggle tp, extreme hp recovery when game over and the ‘fly mode’. Fly mode aside, you already dealt with everything so, eh.

I did have a different idea to solve the height ‘suggestion’. From what i could tell, you made so the old big red dome had colision, right? Is it possible to add colision in anything you want? Because if it is, maybe you could create something like high in the air platforms made out of particles? And to get up to them, you ask??? :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: YOU KNOW WHAT I’M ABOUT TO SUGGEST, RIGHT??? =D I’ll give you a tip, starts with ‘not enough’ and ends with ‘jump pad’ hahahaha

in all seriousness, an alternative for highground would be an awesome addition if not too troublesome to implement.
And although i really do like jump pads, it wasnt my intention to made a juggle lucio, just a bit more of randomness to their movements, so in the end i think the sole jump pad was the right call instead of 2 like i suggested and personally i liked how it turned out! I hope you too!

[and even in yet more seriousness, my jumppads loops in attack spawn A when? :eyes::eyes::eyes: hahaha]

Anyways, cheers man~ I’m eager to see with what you cook next~

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Hey, do you know that i can actually do all of that? [Evil Laugh] :clown_face:

Maybe an update will come out with these features, maybe not…

Still, as usual i’ll break down your quite long post, since i already love the format and the editing you did! :cinema:

As much as i’d like to give ammo regen a try, there is no command that gives you back your ammos, so the only way to do this would be to swap back and forth your hero so that when you get on the new hero you would get more ammos and hp etc etc, but there is a system in place for the effective ranges that as soon as you change hero, resets your statistics for kills, ult manage, etc etc.

Sounds doable but a bit complex, as to do it i’d have to store the variables for the various hud texts and delete/create them dinamycally based upon the distance between the player and the center of the mode you are training in, so not impossible, but not easy either…

I’m gonna look into it as that might very well be a bug due to me not timing correctly when to deal damage and when to heal…

The thing is that with weapons that have shotgun like spread, getting a critical is way easyer and might be a bit of an op way of regening the health, but since i can easyly test for criticals after the new update, there is not really any other reason outside of balance to not implement that, after all i guess i could just make it so that instead of giving you 75HP back, it gives you back 100 or something similar

Plus the bonus for killing lucios? yeah, might be a good idea, i think i’ll implement that.

i’ll describe how i would do the fly mode and you can tell me if it seems doable to you

If jump is pressed and a variable is set to 1 → //dynamic elevation
Apply impulse( player(event player), up, xx)
Wait 0.016
Loop if condition is true

If variable is set to 1-> //floating mechanic
//maybe set gravity to 10% here
Apply impulse( player(event player), up, yy)
Wait 0.016
Loop if condition is true
//and set it back to 100% here (when exiting the loop)

If shift is pressed and a variable is set to 1 → //dynamic descending
Apply impulse( player(event player), down, xx)
Wait 0.016
Loop if condition is true

For what regards the other highgrounds however, i’d rather do flight than that…

-I’ll think about the jump pads ahahahaha

HeroCod :file_folder:

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Oh, you want even bigger text messages?? please, youll make me blush! ill send you my 5000 chapter novel later =D haha

Glad you enjoyed my editing~ I had a lot of fun with the hack corner part of the video :skull:
My turn to give something back i guess, but when this is done i was thinking about making a proper features showcase video for this mod. The aperture initiative one is glorious and i’d very gadly do something like that (aperture→ )
That is of course if you agree and want to. I was thinking aswell about sending it to YourOverwatch and/or OverwatchCentral so they could feature this mod; i think a LOT of ppl will enjoy it if they actually see its contents.


from what youre telling me, godmode is simply a no go. Oh well, its sad but whatever. We can always simply set inf ammo ourselves in the settings as i’ve been doing already with ana darts. [shrugs]

About how hp works in extreme;
From the way you did that mechanic makes me guess that, although the game keep track of our accuracy, they do that by tracking how many shots we fired [divided by] how many hits we got… which would mean, there is no actual ‘miss’ variable stored we can use? If so, there’s no direct way to make something as simple as:

on event trigger // shoot
if (hit) = true then,
heal 25;
dmg 50;

Maybe an option would be adding a little timer? I dont know how to write in ow structure, but the logic would be like

on event trigger //shot
wait [X time]
check: if variableHit = true
heal 25
dmg 50

↑ the key would be the ‘variableHit’. If we use just the raw ‘hit’ info the game stores, since its just a split second (i think? idk tbh), chances are it will always be false when that check happens. So it would require something like:

on event trigger // hit
set (variableHit) = true
wait [X time]
set (variableHit) = false

This way we would store ourselves a hit state usable for that purpose.

If this is even doable to begin with and actually worth (which from the amount of work and problems you described im not convinced it is… youre the one who can tell that), i can see how it could become a problem for the machine gun types. Which btw, yeah, reaper would be way too easy to use bcs of his shotgun, but so is ana. Like, lets be honest, just like the zenny practice is a glove fit for tracer, this one is for mccree/ashe/widow, the most ‘pure aim’ heroes, so might aswell put a disclaimer in your forum description saying that it will only work properly for them. Maybe even add their icons over extreme mode? Be as it may, using other heroes would be at our own risk.

And as far as i can understand, your fly idea is: (ill use random values for example sake)
every few seconds, if fly = on and jump = pressed: move 20 unities up every X seconds [loop]
(so basically, we would be ‘hopping’ going up bit by bit)

set gravity to .1, and if fly = on and jump ≠ pressed; move up 0.1unities (or whatever value it would be to perfectly counter act the gravity) every X seconds [loop]

Same logic for going down, but in reverse.
I do not understand the inner works of the workshop to know its limitations, but if i understood correctly the logic, i think its mostly working.
Theres a few buts however;
As is, as long as the fly mode is on, we would be constantly hopping (every 0,016 seconds to be precise). The question is: 0.016 is VERY fast, but is it fast enough so we do not perceive the ‘hops’? Because if we do, it’d be as good as a shaking camera and be terribly counter productive.
And on the other hand, maybe TOO fast that it overworks the server like you mentioned and lag/crash?
Which would mean we would need to find a sweet spot for how much we ‘hop’, and the interval in which this happens, but such sweet spot might simply not exist…
And in another note, how would this look like while on the ground? because while in the air, we are constantly dropping, so the compensation makes us stay [in theory] at a vector 0, but on the ground we are not going down… So even if in air the hops were not perceptible, in the ground they most definitively would as our vector wont be 0 anymore.
2 possibilities then; since theres different animations and moves for when airborne or on ground, i think the game already checks this? If yes, use that to deactivate the air compensation. If not… We can live with it? We activated the goddam fly mode, might aswell suck it and stay out of the ground altogether [shrugs]
Alternatively… I know through the vanilla settings we cant set the gravity lower than 0.1 (? if i remember correctly?), but through the workshop isnt something as silly as setting gravity to .000000001 ,or whatever it is the lowest, possible? Anything under .1 would be a nearly imperceptible fall, or slow enough to not be a problem; no more than hitting space every 10 seconds or whatever , but nonetheless more than stable enough to properly aim. In that scenario, i believe the challenge would lie in how to make our vector 0 when we release space/ctrl, so the character stays in the position we want, as without gravity/too low gravity our momentum will hardly decrease even after releasing the buttons…

oh well.

I really hope this helps you

[edits: just cleaning some stuff and correcting others. just because i write a lot doesnt mean im good at it it seems :expressionless: ]

Ok, i think that at this point I’ll just add you on my main account since It’s gonna be a lot easyer to actually chat about the lobby that way:
My B-Tag: ĦƐŖǾƇǾD#2365

Meanwhile I’ll reply to this post here (hehe) :globe_with_meridians:

First of all: here is my reference for actually avaialable commands in the workshop: WIKI: Workshop Syntax & Script Database

Than, as always let’s get started :smiley:

So, for what regards the hit mechanics, with the new ray tracing, i think i can improve that quite a bit: up until now i had no way to check if a player which had used primary fire had hit a target (not properly at least, as always there are workarounds) but now i can check if, while the player was firing primary (or secondary) he/she would have hit the enemy with a ray starting from hime to the enemy, so even if the spread would have made you miss, you still get the hit if the direction is correct.

Plus i was thinking to automatically reject the entry to extreme mode if the hero is not adapt to do the job (aka before starting extreme mode check the hero and if the hero had to be != from the ones i would set, i would just bump out the player and show a message among the lines of “get a hitscan hero”

Not quite, you are close tho: The impulse is not “travelling x units up” it’s applying a “bump” to the player, so applying a very small bump to compensate gravity (or now that i think about it, even an accelleration capped at speed 0) will not make you jump up and down. :3

yes, the game can check for “on the ground” so no problem there :slight_smile:

Trust me: i’ll find a way to make it as smooth as possible :stuck_out_tongue:

Normally making these modes smooth is not horribly hard, the only thing is that players with lower end PCs might lag up a bit, but i guess that is to be expected…

Since the amount of time i can dedicate to this project is relatively limited, i’d love to have that kind of support for the editing as i’m not a huge editor myself e.e and yes, i do give my consent to send this to Overwatch Central/Your Overwatch and what not, the only thing is that by this point, before anything is edited, i’d like to finish the thing so that with version 9.0, maybe 10.0 it will be done for good and will be usable for any training purpose!

And as always,

-HeroCod :file_folder:

Oh nice, it sounds then everything is pretty much set already!
And yeah i agree, allowing in just specific heroes would indeed do the trick in a smart way.
And all right, added you on bnet~

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Heads up everyone! :sunglasses:

Version 9.0 OUT :crossed_swords::

  • Added Fly Mode: once enabled you will float while in the air and will be able to go up and down with jump and crouch respectively, allowing you to have different points of view from which you can shoot at your targets


  • Perfectioned Extreme mode: now only a set list of heroes wil be able to play in extreme mode and their shots will be accurately tracked so that there will not be any room for error while calculating score or assigning heals or damage, also the mode now keeps track of critical hits, also you cannot go outside of a 30m range from the central dome, or the mode will be terminated!


  • Repositioned spawn portals and settings: The look is now much cleaner and allows for a more free visual in the spawn!


  • Updated Description and made the code more tidy!

CODE: 2B216

With this i’d say that the lobby is ready for the showdown with YouTube!

I’ll link here the file that stores the data for every variable, just in case someone wants to move something with their own version: :open_file_folder:

PS: add me again kuno because i did not get your request :confused:

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