Admit Role Queue was wrong move

I am on my phone atm at dinner

Same. I like having the entire hero pool to choose from. Locking yourself to one role is almost as bad as locking yourself to one hero imo.

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Oh okay. I’ll give it a look then.

role queue is the best thing that happened to OW

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I know of no valid data that supports this claim of a majority

if you know of some or have some, please point us to it

I disagree i like choosing what to play from full roster, sometime i like to tank sometimes heal, or even dps. In a game depending on what i feel is needed. Only time i role queue is to get placed for sr and if i am offered a lootbox, if not then i wont touch it with 20 ft pole.


role queue makes it more likely that your teammates know how to play their role. there’s also like no reason to play it if your a tank or support main since open queue is just a mode for casuals to instalock their dps one tricks under a much shorter queue time.

Lol no it doesn’t. Most people who play RQ only care about the role they peak on and use the other 2 to throw on.

No it doesnt, if there was 1 rank maybe but they devide ranks into 3 roles instead of 1 rank that you choose a role. So since there are 3 roles with a rank for each role i dont think you can make that claim. Only thing role queue does is enforce a 2-2-2 or 1-2-2 doesnt distinguish proficientcy.

I dunno, I like it :thinking: a tank main prob won’t have the exact same rank in other roles (or at least it shouldn’t be assumed).

There’s already an open queue option available with an identical QP rule set :man_shrugging:t2: (unless I’m misremembering…)

role queue ensures that a gold dps player is forced to play in gold if he’s in role queue. if he’s diamond in open queue where he only plays mercy but then decide to try tracer in their that’d be autoloss for his team. but in role queue garbo flexers wont be as common since each role is separated by rank.

That’s great and all for a premade team of friends but strangers really like to F over your team comp.
Koreans might be sensible enough to want open queue cause they know what to play, but not here in America. Not everyone is a sweaty tryhard so they need to pick their role beforehand and not put their team at a disadvantage.
OW1 is nothing but tank diff and I don’t want OW2 to just be that cause people pick tanks over dps in general.
I don’t miss quad tank, goats, or Blizzard making bad heores to counter open queue comps.

Maybe but you will never convince me role queue is a good system. I like the fluidity of switching to any hero

Queue times aren’t bad by MMORPG standards.

But queue times for most FPS games are 1-2 minutes.

Role queue is a side effect of the unwashed masses not working well together which brought the need for additional structure. Given that, I approve of it.

Would I rather see brilliant solutions that virtually eradicate bad behavior and poor team dynamics, thus allowing a fully open system, yes.

understandable. personally tho, someone would have to pay me to play open queue. tank is truly an unpopular role.

I usually flex what no one wants to play when i play with my sister, or play what i want when solo

ur a good guy. i never flex even if it spells defeat :smiling_imp:

I usually only play with 1 other which is my sister

Team comp doesn’t matter with randoms. You’re better off playing your best heroes. Filling roles just for the sake of filling is what hard stucks always did, and most of them haven’t climbed at all since RQ was introduced either.