Adjusting Genji to Echo instead of the other way around

Why is it that blizzard suddenly decides after adding a new hero, that old heroes should get brought in line with the new one which is clearly better instead of nerfing the new one to keep it in line with the others? That doesnt make any sense.

Genji is doing fine as a viable but not meta dps. You dont have to be dps top dog to be good. Genji can do plenty of work especially since Ana is basically in every game and nano/blade is very hard to counter to this day.

I find it funny how so many Genji players are defending this when this just makes the hero easier to play, while they usually pride themselves in playing a super high skill hero.
If you think Genji is useless, youre just bad. Thats the truth.

Good Genjis can still carry a game. Hes used plenty in pretty much all ranks and in GM hes basically on par with Doom, even though the devs pretend like hes doing worse than him. It doesnt make any sense.

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Thats simply not true. Brig hard counters genji simply by existing and makes genji almost unplayable. pair it with a couple of cc’s and self sustain and you are better off afking in spawn rather than feeding.


GM this month.

Genji pickrate 1.28%, winrate 55.14%

Hard counter? Maybe. Same with Reaper and winston. I would even say that that Reaper vs Winston is more one sided so chill out and learn to play.