Addressing The Obvious. (OW1/OW2 Talk)

Lets face the facts. Overwatch is dying. Really, really hard. Activision/Blizzard made the admittedly dumb decision to save all content for OW2. And if it’s not coming out until (supposedly 2023) OW1 will die. We can’t just keep getting skins and copy and paste events. We need something NEW. And no, skin challenges and events count as content in the eyes of players. OW has taken massive stabs to the stomach this year. 5V5 killing everyone’s hype, Jeff Kaplan retiring, the sexual harassment controversy surrounding blizzard, people malding over Cassidy’s name change, and let’s not forget the OW2 delays. So, what I’m trying to say is: OW as a whole is screwed. And me, in the 1% of the community who believes OW2 will be worth the wait, is even having doubts. I support the devs and want OW2 to succeed, but with everything that’s going on, I don’t know anymore. I’ll definitely play OW2 when it releases for SURE. But at this point, OW1 & OW2 are going down a rough path. Hopefully it can go down the right path at some point, but I don’t think that’ll happen for a bit.

Now on to OW2. Me personally, I have hopes it will succeed. Mostly because of the updated look, new heroes, maps, and of course that badass story mode we saw at Blizzconline earlier this year. THAT, the PVE is what I think will REALLY have the potential to kick OW2 off. But I’m wondering, will it be good enough? Are we gonna be playing the PVE for a couple months? Or a couple years? Hopefully the devs can give us the answer, give me your thoughts on my takes. What do you all think?


Important distinction: “the developers”, being the people that work on the game every day (and care about it most) don’t actually get to decide when content is released - that’s a Blizzard Entertainment/Activision executive decision.

Do you really believe for a second that the gamers who work at Blizzard agree that this is a good strategy? Not a chance.

Like, I can almost guarantee you that no-one who actually worked on the Toronto map is glad that it has been completely playable but has gone unreleased for the last 2+ years.


Overwatch 2, as did Overwatch has huge potential. But that potential takes time to make.

Have the devs had enough time? I would like to think so, but I’m also not a game dev. I’m not going to assume that 5? -ish years is enough time to do what they have done. Cause again, we barely know anything.

There are two main issues I have with this IP right now… and it’s Blizzard’s fault entirely.

  • OW Live game, being ditched entirely to work on the sequel. Is genuinely the stupidest decision I’ve seen a big company make in a while and I doubt it will be surpassed any time soon. It is still mind boggling that it’s a thing.

  • OW2 being announced so early. While I acknowledge that the Pandemic might’ve impacted it a little… but that’s not an EXCUSE. Other companies adapted to the needs of the Pandemic within it’s first 6 - 8 months. Then why, can’t the multi-billion dollar company Activision Blizzard? Cutting it short before I get into a even bigger rant, OW2 should not of been announced or confirmed in 2019. Should’ve stayed a rumor until closer to launch and or Alpha / beta.

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Oh, apologies. That really sucks for the devs,

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I still like the game but the lack of content and communication is painful AF.
The delay even more painful.
The current Blizzard lawsuit and conceited CEO situation even more painful.
And I’ve just lost all my good will on the game. I hop in some times because it’s my favourite first person multiplayer, but reality is, I don’t enjoy it as I used to.
OW2 announced since 2019 will be released in 2025, the TV series that was leaked since 2020 won’t appear until Arcane hits season 5 episode 65454 and it seems that our feedback and ideas are completely ignored, like this elaborated QoL community feedback updates I worked so passionately hard with:

[Please Read] Quality of Life Updates / A nitpicking thread