Add reporting category - "Alternative account/smurf"

The naivety on display is interesting.

Do you think Blizzard, sorry, Activision/Blizzard really care about the integrity of play? Do you think they’re really interested in making an option to actually punish alternate accounts/smurfs? We’re talking the same Blizzard that made Warcraft 3, the same Blizzard that for years on this game refused to balance the power creep that ruined a lot of heroes.

Blizzard makes money from alt accounts, at least on PC. They could give less of a crap beyond that, because the money is the only thing that matters. Thinking they care otherwise shows a lack of awareness about this industry.


it seems like they will never take actions against smurfs anytime soon.

also you should put in count the accounts black-markets, there are all kinds of account there and some are level 600+.

but… i doubt that all alt accounts are just made to stomp lower players.

It’s not gameplay sabotage lmao.

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People seem to use the excuse of “MMR will fix itself and the smurf will be in their elo shortly” well if you watch any unranked to gm stream it takes atleast of 7 hours to get to gm from an unranked account. Thats 7 hours of not being in their correct rank

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I came here to type this and you beat me to it.


Why only level 100, to be fair even I (a level 1900+ player) have been accused of playing outside of expected rank.

Way too many legal issues and barriers to really make this work.

As a general reaction, I will again emphasize the perception of smurfing is a problem that tends to be greatly exaggerated. Evidence of a player smurfing tends to be greatly misunderstood as well.

In the end, one element of perceived smurfs will be ending soon, and that is that portrait borders will be going away in Overwatch 2. Now, I do not know if that includes if “level experience” or “hours played” will be removed as well (or at least hidden if a profile is kept private). But I am hopeful that the immediate knee-jerk reactions of “OMG there is a low Bronze border tearing us up, that dude is a smurf” and “Dude you are a plat-border still stuck in Gold” will be greatly reduced.


The issue with this is that it lacks creditability. It is actually difficult to prove someone is a legit smurf through reports alone.

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Because it doesn’t get you banned, it just attempts to set your MMR properly and get you out of low level games so you don’t ruin them.

Not even a console thing, their’s like 20 Masters players, 5 GM players, know a guy in Masters with an alt, and have never seen him nor any other master, I just have a plat sr and see at most mid diamond players.

OP’s experience is that they unluckily get matched up with people 1-2 ranks higher than them and tend to be the lowest ranked person in the match, gotta be a pc issue, cause console barely has the higher up population for that kinda thing.

You can technically have as many accounts as you like, but only three accounts can have any retained Blizzard Balance at any given time

Source: Blizzard End User License Agreement - Legal – Blizzard Entertainment

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You can just report under Game Sabotage it’s more accurate than any of the other categories listed.

Also restricting it to level 100 isn’t a great idea. You pretty much are leaving it up to level 100 members to correct the MMR.

There’s already a boosting issue so this wouldn’t really make things that different. Let it go the game press has no valid ranked after brig was introduced.

just no, please (20)

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This is the dumbest idea. My friend literally purchased the game for me for my birthday. I’m assuming he used the same card as the one he used to purchase his own OW account with. We are over 1000 SR difference (and obviously don’t play comp together), so I or both of us should be banned cause you “think” I might have an alt/smurf account?

How astoundingly ridiculous and short sighted.


Because you guys don’t realise that Alt account’s have a negative affect on the casual game too.

Your MMR isn’t set until you’ve played at least 15 games.
You’ll be levelling your account up for comp in quick play or arcade, which means that you’ll be versing casual players more often than not.
Because your MMR isn’t set, it can’t attempt to place you in games with people of an equal skill level, meaning 9/10 you’re going to get placed against a tonne of players that are well below you in terms of skill.
And unless you’re not a super scummy player who recognises that, most people will just gutter stomp the ever loving **** out of the enemy team.

Multiply that by the obscene amount of new accounts bought by experienced players every time there’s a sale, and suddenly QP is an absolute unbalanced cesspool. I haven’t had a game in MONTHS where QP hasn’t had <level 25 accounts that are very obviously experienced players. It’s getting tiresome man. I just want to vs people that are at least CLOSE to my skill level. It’s not too much to ask. I’m sick of every other game just being an absolute up hill battle, because we’re placed against someone 3-4 ranks higher than us.


yeah having an alt account(s) for different heroes doesn’t hurt anyone, smurfing does though


Ya i would be more than happy to tie my new account to a main, and use the mmr as base here.

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You misunderstood what I actually wrote, if you read the rest it would be multiple. Not just 1-3 accounts, I mean people with 5-10+ accounts. Most people have more than one, but nobody needs 6 accounts unless they’re actively smurfing, botting or throwing.

Skill is not bannable


Read the post, I just want to fix the mmr. Nobody said anything about banning.