Add reporting category - "Alternative account/smurf"

Account sharing is totally against the rules.

Not in the same household, father/son sister/brother.

I’m pretty sure it is.

You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account. You may not use your account at the same time, and you are liable for activies conducted by the minor child.

Is Account Sharing Allowed? - Blizzard Support

So we are gonna defend the smurfs. Great.
Personally I will like to see if on ow 2 as long as with this ‘‘great addition’’ there will be also something to resolve this issue.

Because right now comp system is messed up by them, a lot of diamonds were busted into that rank, and this will just promote even more the boost system.

You never mentioned a number of accounts minimum this would apply for; maybe you want to add it to your original post for clarity?

I still don’t like the point I highlighted. Some people like buying games for their friends so they can play together. Your other points seem fine.

I don’t think losing matchmaking transparency is a good thing. I want to know if the game gives us cheap bad matches. It was better in the early days when we could see SR and we could see grouping. If I get a terrible game because I was against a bunch of grandmasters or because it was a six stack on 6 solo players, I deserve to know it.

Hiding level portraits is a bad thing. If a level 5 player is destroying everyone, the problem is new account smurfing, not that we know about it.

And new account smurfing is getting really bad. It’s starting to affect about 1 in 3 games in QP and ruining maybe 1 in 10 games, which is a lot of games.


Why is this the only update I’ve seen on OW2 since the trailer, holy moly

smurfs arent reportable.

Well, it should be, at least for the purposes of getting the player balanced out right.

not really? a player should be able to make new accounts and try new things. you dont get to tell people how they can and cant use OW accounts warm up accounts and main accounts all sorts of things are reasoning for “smurfing”

the issue is you all think any form of alternate account is an issue and it simply isnt.

It is when it breaks QP for 10-15 levels at least and there are so many that every match is messed up.

There are just too many of them now.

qp isnt a basis for any type of argument man. you can get matched with gms anyway in QP when you are atleast silver.

am i just supposed to not ever get matches again on alts in QP when i want to play casually because you dont like facing better players?

I mean Google voice exists so this might not work

Because they wanna clearly defend the biggest problem ow have, they are just thinking about money more than quality.


Stop buying stupid alts! Play your real account!

Also, it’s not just that it’s better players. It’s better players without a correspondingly better player on my team.

I made this account because I want to play with my younger cousins?they have never played an fps game before) and don’t want them to play at my quick play mmr, is that wrong? Also there is nothing wrong with getting an alt to practice a hero you are bad at.

Yes. You are deliberately playing out of your MMR. You’re ruining games for lots of people.

Realistically there isn’t a good way for you to play with them. It’s like a high school football player and a 6 year old one - there just isn’t going to be a game where that works out.

Why even bother? No hero takes that long to learn, are you worried about losing some games in QP?


Personally while I was in favor of private profiles , since on ow 2 they wanna remove borders to protect their precious smurf players I wanna again public profiles, so I know if I’m matched vs a master/gm in qp and I can leave instead of wasting my time in a match clearly unbalanced.

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Google Voice numbers are banned from SMS protect. I cannot use my GV # to register. I have to use the underlying phone number of my cell.