Add an option to toggle the outnumbered voicelines on/off

There should be an option to toggle the outnumbered voice lines on and off. Before you say, skill issue, I’m going to explain. These voicelines “We’re outnumbered” is getting annoying and I think these voicelines need to be toggled on and off or you could simply turn off the voices but you won’t be able to hear the countdown announcements or something like that. Those outnumbered voice lines are getting old and repetitive. What do you guys think and please keep the comments civilized and kind.

Exactly because ppl don’t listen to them xD

With that said, the only reason why they exist is to baindaid the terrible decision that was 5v5

Their whole chat system needs an overhaul. if they pay me I can consult for them in how to make it better. :woman_shrugging:

Idk, I use it to keep track of how many teammates and enemies are alive without having to look around me. It’s helpful when you’re in a 1v1 in the backline.