Actually hard throwing games and not receving any kind of punishment

I also don’t understand why they don’t instaban if they detect any n-word, ableisms or similar.
Like, do you really need that person to write that in multiple games before you punish them?

Also, actively punish people for avoiding bans with other accounts. This is a huge problem, since people don’t care how they behave as long as it’s not their main account and Blizzard Support said that it’s ok to go to another account after being banned.
If you want to reduce bad behaviour, then the punishment should hurt.

I have been seeing this sort of throwing more and more often.

The sad part is? I don’t even think people actively report throwers any more. When I try to address it in match chat people just say I’m mad because I’m bad. Downside about low ELOs is people will sell their first born just for hollow earned SR.


Its funny to watch the video but I think gold borders should get harsher punishments

another great game. it’s teammates like these that makes #OW2020 so #competetive.


Honestly, we should just all as a community pick one day and throw 100% of our games as a way to show them how much of a disaster this game has become


The trick I found, which I discovered works when I could no longer report smurfs for cheating from the LFG menu when they advertise their boosting/deranking groups so I had to double down on the sabotage ones, is just report like you’re reporting for an entire team.

Meaning you file a quick report (i.e. just put “throwing/deranking” in the entry field, you can copy-paste it turns out) for gameplay sabotage.

Then do that 6-11 more times.

It’s tedious but I always manage to get at least one. And in the end that’s better than nothing.

I want to like this game again.


I’m sure it’s all going to be fixed with OW2


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Bet you if you asked people to report them the enemy team probably just reported you instead.

Never seen it become so prevalent to go afk during games.


Wow I made a post like this two days ago and got suspended from the forums, I’m amazed you got away with posting this video . . .


What do you expect them to do? Ban him and risk losing income on future releases? This is America.


Its more fun and less stressful to be a Troll. Why dont you try it. I bet you gonna like it.

another sighting!
this dude straight up decided that his team was not going to win this particular match. nope, denied.

Blizzard need to adress stuff like this immediately. Not wait for many reports, They need some kind of AFK detection and ban these people instantly even if that is one match.


Blame the Controller advocates for an agent system. Players review throwing vids and can insta ban offenders. Maybe require 2 independent confirmations before banning?

Maybe limit submissions to 1 per week per player?

It’ll stop bots, etc.

But clever throwers can easily lose games even with top 1% stats, and maybe even without team mates realising.

That way smurfs stroke their e peens owning noobs, but don’t climb in rank.


Any system that grants any amount of power to a member of this community is DOA.

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Dude even in BTC’s model he says several maybe even dozens of confirmations would need to happen for action to be taken. Any less (especially just one or two) could lead to players judging something as throwing because someone played something they did not like, or did not play in a way they like.

There wouldn’t be able to be a limitation on submissions, just not fair to a player who may get unlucky or play with/against a group multiple times. Just adjust how seriously it takes someone’s reports based on how often they are confirmed just like they would have to adjust how much someone’s judgement on a review is weighed based on their accuracy.

Even then it would be better to not just have the player judgement decide a ban or not, have the submissions players deem as offensive sent off to a small team at Blizz and then they would determine a decision (let the player review act as a filter and not as judge.)


Only answer I see is phasing out Solo Queue entirely, and ultimately going back to the original vision. No play until you have 6 actual players lined up.

Unrealistic but people are dead set on ruining the game at this point.

I don’t even care about climbing I just want a match where everyone is trying. Leavers are now a welcome thing because at least you don’t have to catch them dancing in spawn. It is whatever at this point.


Not just that but people would potentially realize that the best way to play the game while enjoying it is playing as a 6 stack of the same people consistently so you can grow chemistry with them.

All I know is any time I got to that point, I tried everything else first.
asking for help, making suggestions after things didnt work, asking for heals while playing the way that wasnt working but trying to be a team player.

by this point it was okay well this is an L so nothing I do matters, let’s get the game over with as fast as possible.

that’s what went on in my head. now that open queue is back I have no reason to throw.

Honestly, I don’t think any human has read your report unfortunately. Even in its early days, there were multiple infamous players that would outright throw every single one of their matches without a care in the world. They most certainly received an insurmountable number of reports, and you’d think a person at Blizzard would at least investigate the validity of the reports, but the throwers were left to ruin match after match and even set their sights on stream sniping to ruin every match a streamer played for their session. There is absolutely no concern from the company to make sure their policies are enforced, as they’d rather let the bots issue a suspension once an account received a certain number of reports.

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