Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

they got plenty of time money an man

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If its raining its likey wet. If they would benefit from it and can get away with it there probably doing it. Stop being so niave everyone exploits what ever power there giving for personal gain EVERYONE. why should i believe there the only ones not doing.

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Why wouldn’t they just use this for cod, which is like 5x bigger than overwatch and isn’t currently a raging dumpster fire

Wasn’t there an experiment that showed that buying BP in Warzone results in getting enemies with 4-5% lower winrate? And it also resets after like a month of not spending

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They do use it for COD

If the other leak about needing to have everybody unlocked to play in comp is true…it kinda goes against what’s being implied here

well damn, I guess it doesn’t work then because I never bought a dang thing for cod

Uh… it’s used in COD mobile already…

The call of every good statistician. All they want is for us to collect good data and fit it to a normal curve, and every time we as a species let them down.

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Good lord Lara.

Honest question - do you believe the matchmaker is why you are stuck at your rank?

No. but the matchmaking is the reason there are no quality matches.
Also the forced winrate has nothing to do the sr you gain per match.

How is it possible to get consistently quality matches with the number of Smurfs and the low playerbase?

The match quality was never good to begin with.

However if the matchmaking was actually doing its job properly and it was as good detecting smurfs as blizzard and some people claims it to be, all the smurfs would have been matches against other smurfs.

Here you are making stuff up again. Where does it claim that? I don’t think anyone on this forum has ever claimed that either.

In interviews with the devs?

Why do you continually make stuff up?

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Is this Rigged alt acc?

Cause I’m sure I’ve seen this type of thread before.

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By that logic every single balance complaint thread would have been made by the same person…

You say that, but honestly, all these thread are often the same. Same style, writing, source, and even complaints. Heck, even the timing is also similar.

Can’t exactly fault me for mistaking it for the same person. Besides, at least GreyFalcon uses his main account the whole time.

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Nah… Hulk is from EU and Rigged/receipts/outside/whoever… Is from NA.

  • He has his own stream and sounds nothing like hulk.