Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

If its legal, it’s fair game.

If you don’t like something, pressure your law makers. Like they did in Belgium. Or buy shares and pressure them from within.

And New Zealand :slight_smile: Yay for NZ.

I know, tiny place out in the middle of no where, but I like it.


That is true but only from a particularly awful perspective.

i got bronze on one account and platinum on the other its the same thing.

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Mercy main are ye?

I’m actually not kidding, Bronze is a god damn tar pit. But that isn’t the matchmaker doing that, That is just straight up Blizzard not giving a damn about smurfs.

If you want me to back you in saying that the hero design and smurfs don’t make for good games? I’m 100% with you.

I just don’t blame it on the matchmaker, because it isn’t the problem there.

It can’t deal with things it doesn’t know, and smurfs it CAN’T know about. If you want to go on an anti smurf rant, and how THAT screws up matchmaking, I’m on your side, so much, you have no idea.

Being legal doesn’t mean it’s fair game. But as long as there are customers who don’t care how the company operates and blindly purchase their products then they’ll continue that practise.

Also, laws can’t solve everything. If you have too many laws you strangle new enterprises from emerging and growing. As for buying shares, you need a lot of money to even get a vote in. Else you just have a minority post and those are ignored.

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It’s an amazing country to visit.

i want the outcome to be dictated by my own actions not a balancing algo running in the background. I might as well let the bots play for me. Team 1 needs to capture point a unfair buffs lol they dont tell you about that one do they and your not sharp enough to catch em on it

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Living here is good too, if you ignore the house prices :slight_smile:


That is exactly what being legal makes it.

You don’t have to like it. I am very much against some of the monetisation seen in some games (like FIFA), and as such I don’t play them.

But is fair game for them to push it. Until we change laws all we can do is not given them the money.

If people keep giving them the money, then clearly those against it are in the minority.

And let others know that it is not right.

oh you the same way they estiblished private ownership of the government so you cant pass laws against them?

Okay but now you’re arguing a misunderstanding that you are completely oblivious to.

6v6 means that individual impact (yOuR oWn AcTiOnS) is less than 20% when you’re playing correctly in your own rank.

In other words. For you to have greater agency over the outcome of the game, you need to put out an additional 3.333% of value/performance/damage/sustain/etc. beyond what your enemy counterpart.

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And it continues to get worse.

:pikachu surprised gif:

All this effort was wasted for 3 years just to psychologically manipulate and abuse their community and player base. I mean the silence alone just reminds me of the bitter silent treatment that some of us likely experienced while growing up.

And yet some of you psychopaths still keep those rose tinted glasses on and refuse to see the problems and issues. Like if this isn’t as alarming as it gets then I believe some of you to not even be human beings. There is 0 compassion in any of this for any fellow player or gamer. It is all so selfish and wrong and my favorite game is being trashed for literally no good reason.

There are no words anyone can spin to make any of this sound better, stop trying. Go shill in silence.

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Ah yes, the famous MMR public shooting argument! I forgot that one :roll_eyes:


How does one have 3 WP packs? Do you plan to have three accounts on different phone numbers? It would suck to only be able to sign into one and have the other two wasted, unless they stack on one account.

How many accounts do you have? There’s always a thread like this that comes up every now and then with some nonsensical claim that MMR is rigged based off of docs that literally don’t support that. You have to reach so far to even make that leap.


This guy has been spamming and has been banned from spamming this topic over and over again.

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My own, my gf’s and my son’s. I bought all 3, 2 as surprises and… well I can’t surprise myself so that’s the 3rd

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Oh okay, didn’t expect a reasonable answer. I’m used to one person having tons of alts.

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That & the good ol’ arcade modes, workshop modes, & PvE next year.

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