Activision Blizzard stock drops by 23% since the beginning of October

It’s still not anywhere near 23%.

6-8% but 23% is nowhere to be found.

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I agree with a lot of people here with feeling sorry for Diablo fans. Imagine buying tickets for blizzcon and traveling there for a mobile game announcement.

Jezz. Just the stock prices going down is a lot less then the company deserved for that travesty.


gotta get my butt to the bank and get some of those sweet blizz stocks


Because they’re outsourcing a mobile game to China of the Diablo franchise, and announced it at a convention with guests consisting primarily of PC gamers.


Don’t say that, there has to be a Activision-Blizzard, and now they are one!

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It’s bad to the point people refuse to level any alts through it. More command tables, the artifact system is back and made worse and more RNG than you could ever want.


The stocks haven’t been doing great in October in general. If any of you are working adults and have 401k’s, you should check the past October month performances on them.

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I still have nightmares because of that.

I get Diablo is a beloved game, especially among pc gamers, but to be honest, I did not expected their stocks to drop that much with the announcement of a mobile version.


It also did not help their response was “What, do you guys not have phones?”

The sense of entitlement really backfired on them.


I do not know what numbers you are looking at, but I went to Yahoo Finance, selected ATVI (Activision Blizzard, Inc.) and this is what I see:
10/05/2018 – $79.59
11/05/2018 – $64.4 (fluctuating because being traded)


Yeah that’s fair, I’m not really a fan of the artifact system and the like either, I think the zones are cool tho haha

Diablo Immortal is a huge PR problem that comes on the heels of their other products not doing great.

Starcraft 2 didn’t become the esports monster that they anticipated. The newest WoW expansion isn’t enough to bring people back to their falling population. Overwatch is completely eclipsed by Fortnite. Hearthstone is a Pay-to-Win RNG hellscape and has completely lost most of its popularity. The list just keeps going.


Wow the past few expansions has turned into raid or die. There is nothing to do outside of raiding in wow. World Quests get old very fast and pet battles can only hold entertainment for so long, same goes for running old content that I ran when it was relevant.


You’re looking at a one day change, not a change between the beginning of October to today.

h ttps://
22.73% change


Let’s market a really cool mobile app version of an already existing game because PC gamers will like it

but if I was really interested in mobile application gaming then I wouldn’t own a PC to play on


For at least part of the 7% today I blame the Diablo: Immortal fiasco, but the rest of the 23% was before the botched announcement. Markets have been doing poorly this entire month, so while Diablo is certainly not helping Blizzard it’s not the sole reason.

That said, I hope the stock falls a bit further and Blizzard attributes it to Diablo so that that community gets some attention and a real game after so long.


That’s the true,i’ve only recently hit max level and am getting a little bored with world quests and the like lol

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Why would i be looking at that when the stock dropped to 68-70USD even before blizzcon and you’re claiming that the stock is dropping because of blizzcon etc. ?

personally i find BFA significantly better than WOD. I mean WOD was beyond garbage.

But the good thing about BFA is that even though it started not so great, they did listen and are changing things in the upcoming patches. Changes that the community actually wanted to see.

Plus, classic is coming out which is a dream come true for diehard wow fans. So, WOW overall isn’t doing that bad.

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