I have the same problem I am GM 1 with 75 games played and I dont show up on the leaderboard. I have my phone connected and was t500 in ow. LukeWarm#11449
Same, I’m gm2 on tank with well over 50 games, NA and my btag is Shromo#1605
Same issue I have nearly 80 games played. With nearly all in NA, gm2 and am not on the leaderboards. I played like 5 games in the beginning in the Asia server as a workaround. but I swapped back to NA after the day 1 fiasco Paradox#13700
T500 was broken in S36 so it’s probably also linked to that. They somehow messed up something while doing Ranked changes and now we’re here.
Same here, previously T500, I have SMS protection and +25 games (GM2) in this season.
I am GM1 and it doesn’t show me in top 500. I was in top 500 in OW1, I have my phone connected, and I have played more than 25 games, and I am high enough elo to be ranked top 500. My battle tag is LukeCold#1718
danny#17465 gm2 atm zz
Same thing is happening to me. I’m GM5, and there are people lower than me on my friends leaderboard who are in top 500. I’ve played hundreds of games and should be on the leaderboard. Btag is Th0r#11769
Same here I am gm 3 and I have over 50 games on support. Battle tag is Milli#31607
Same issue here, did all qualifying games (plus extra, to accommodate for any potential leaver matches), SMS protection enabled, never had an issue with T500 in OW1.
Same problem as all these peeps. I should be like top150 tanks NA but am not showing up. Døster#1103
Same here Shizu#21429 should be around top 10. Gm 1 55 games
Hello, i have a Problem with T500 Account too i played Saison 32 to 3800 Open que t500 with my number and again i logged in Blizzard with number and got nothing
I wrote to Blizzard First they sayed they checked it on my Account and saying it’s a bug and they Said i Need to Write Here that someone fix it of workers my Battletag: Habib#22176
I played on
Tank: 82 Games
Damage: 54 Games
Support: 95 Games
Total with Open que: 231 Games
hello , i have problems too . I won 50+ games . battle tag is quartzy#21298 chek it please.
Hello, please check CTranster#1761 SMS enabled over 50+ games GM4 Tank.
Same Here i have all Games + in Open que i dont got it i have
Tank:82 Games
Damage: 74 Games
Support: 95 Games
Total on Open que: 251 Games How it dont Show up my T500 im playing all with number i Write on Blizzard Ticked they checked it and told me to Write Here… it’s a bug they Said but i Need to Write Here that you can fix it…
SMS and all is enabled i did. on Saison 32: t500 too
My Tag: Habib#22176
I have this issue as well for Open Queue. Really frustrating…
RawAccelUser#1874 SAME
Same here! I play on PC on NA server. I am GM 4 on Tank with over 100 games played this season (all on NA) but not showing in the Top 500 leaderboard. I have had SMS protect to a post paid phone connected to this account for over two years now. I am not showing on the Top 500 leaderboard.
The majority of the Top 500 tank leaderboard is made up of Master and Diamond players. Please fix this bug blizzard!
is this even fixed for anyone?