Account locked for no reason

Simple as what the title says… Account was locked a few days ago, submitted a ticket. My response to said ticket was “we need more information”, like you can’t just look at the logs of sign in locations. BECAUSE I KNOW YOU CAN SINCE I SEEN THEM MYSELF UPON SIGNING INTO BATTLE.NET AND LOOKING THROUGH MY ACCOUNT TO SEE WHY IT WAS LOCKED(there was no reason ever given). Have replied to said ticket with as much information I could about an hour ago and honestly… At this point I’m more or less done and just plan to move on to other games who actually don’t put their players through the ringer. I’ve already dealt with numerous false reports, one of these situations lead to me being silenced for nothing. My proof of that being the lack of evidence ever provided as a reason for the silence in the first place. Your costumer support is beyond lack luster, your report system doesn’t even function properly. Especially with the fact console has cheaters (Ximmers A.K.A. Mouse and keyboard on console(THEY HAVE AIM ASSIST MNK)) that NEVER get banned. Which is sad because of how easy it would be to impliment a system that could detect and ban these people without a report ever being needed (Just look into analog deadzones(YOU CAN’T SLOW WALK WITH MnK AND THAT FACT ALONE MEANS THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BRIEF RAMP UP AND MOVEMENT SPEED).

This is technical support, where players help other players with crashing and disconnection issues. I don’t work at Blizzard. Your feedback(?) should go in the GM survey at the end of your ticket.

There is a self-service option to unlock your account:

Also another player posted this:


Is there a self service to unlock my overwatch 2 account through console? I’ve done all the account verification, just did the unlock account which you linked and my overwatch 2 account is still locked? Also… Is there a phone number I can call to talk to an actual person instead of waiting for days at a time to get help that isn’t helpful? If so, please leave it in this post so I can contact blizzard and actually get the help I need. Because the ticket system is literally just repeating “need more information” and no real blizzard employees actually look at any of my posts on the forums. If not, whatever… There are plenty of other games to play, just find it sad that I wasted my money on a game I enjoy only to be locked out of everything I purchased for no reason. And yes, there was absolutely no reason my account was locked in the first place. Never received an email, a text or anything for that matter. Just kicked to menu and voila, account locked and there’s no information on why it was in the first place.

Not that I know of.

I don’t believe they have phone assistance available at this time, just the ticket system.

The ticket system and forum are separate entities. People answering tickets aren’t going search your forum posts for information they are requesting—that’s not feasible on this scale.

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