Account Falsely Banned

Hey guys, i was banned a few months ago randomly… i figured it was due to mass reports, anyway i opened the email and it says i was banned for cheating or “hacks”

Obviously im making this post to figure out how this could happen??? And how i can get my account back…

Disclaimer i was not cheating nor have i downloaded any ow2 cheat program

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You would need to use an appeal ticket. Keep in mind this is not an opportunity to plead your case, it is only a request for someone new to review the information Blizzard gathered to support the penalty.

Hello, I’m in the same situation I got a faulse banned a few months ago to, the ban was about “hacks” which I never used in overwatch or used any hacks I have been playing the game since overwatch 1, 5-7 years I know this banned is a faulse banned… but I shouldn’t right a statement here… since the only way to appeal your ban is prior a ticket… I hope this gets looked into!

short answer is blizz doesn’t care, the report system is abused to all heck.
The customer support is mainly run by bots and even if you get a real person they are no help.

Best advice is to find a better game.


Why waste this guy’s time filling out the useless appeal form that literally does NOTHING? The game is gone, he/she will never see it again.

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Welcome to the club of people falsely banned, im starting to lose hope that i will ever get my account back :frowning: I have seen so many people banned for hacking recently when they are not hacking, there has to be something we can do! We cant allow this. I speak for myself but i spent so much money on this game just for this to happen, what can we do?

Can we create a discord server for people who got falsely banned, we need to join together and make some noise, so they will actually listen to us.


Not a bad idea actually


You’ll achieve nothing. Only way to achieve anything is if big names in Overwatch community, pro players, streamers, former Blizzard employees make noise about it. That is the only way. Because that would be the biggest disgrace and worst PR Blizzard could ever imagine. Everything else is screaming into the void. Or whistleblowers who had insight into their entire system of appeals and they can with certainty confirm that it’s all a big farce run by automation and bots with no real humans ever interacting with 99% of appeals or processing of reports themselves which are also entirely automated and so broken and flawed it’s not even funny anymore.